Miss Him Yet?





I did the second that Kathleen Kennedy announced her plans to destroy "Star Wars" once and for all.


All right, let's put it that way: this is just like a relationship. Soon or later, you come to a point you don't really appreciate how great is what you have... until you lose it.

The same way you realize how much you loved a person after a break up, the same way you miss a person like George Lucas who overdid it, but was still great compared to what we get now..


"the same way you miss a person like George Lucas who overdid it, but was still great compared to what we get now."

That was well put.


No, hi retconning is no better than Disney's. He only made two good movies AG and SW (retconned to ANH)


No, it is obvious no more Star Wars films should have been made.
There aren't endless Godfather films, we aren't on Godfather 11.
They did 3 and stopped. Star Wars should have ended a long time ago.
This Disney stuff is just wretched.
They've ruined all that was ever good
in Star Wars.
