MovieChat Forums > Jude Law Discussion > I hate this guy ... after reading about ...

I hate this guy ... after reading about him, I know why ...

He breeds like a rabbit and cannot keep a relationship. Here is another actor I need to
add to my do not spend money on list. Why do we, the moviegoing public give money to
these creeps? He has 4 children and no wife. Join me - don't pay to see this schmuck in
the movies. I was never one of those bash Hollywood types, but these people are rotten
and corrupt.


I wish I could disagree but I can't. Plus this guy is insufferable to watch on the screen.


So don't watch! You're not chained to a chair!


That's quite a harsh post about someone you don't know personally. In all fairness, I'm quite sure the mothers of his children had a say in all this. And relationships and marriages do fall apart. He seems to be a devoted father and who are we to judge. I don't know the man of course but I enjoy his acting ability which is his chosen craft. As a movie goer I appreciate talent and what it takes to put together a fine series like Sorrentino's latest. I'm pleased what I am getting for my money so far which is great entertainment value. ;)


He's a totally hands-on dad. He spends a LOT of time with all of his kids and takes them with him on all the holidays that they're off for school vacations. A lot of the time, he plans his work schedules around his children. He takes them on Christmas holiday vacations every year and sometimes even includes their mother, i.e. his ex-wife--so the kids can be with both parents.

In the past, he's taken them to places in third-world countries to show them that not everyone is as fortunate as them, but to also have them help out with the communities that they're visiting and do charity work for underprivileged people. He's a good guy overall--I just wish he'd find better women to hang out with. His 3 oldest kids are from his first marriage, so it's not like he's never been in a committed relationship.


You're irrelevant, as is your opinion. No one gives a rat f*** if you don't go to his movies. He's got 3 of the children with his ex-wife. And clearly, you're full of sh**, because you obviously ARE "one of those who bash Hollywood types" as evidenced by your statement that they're "rotten and corrupt".

Plus Mr. Law is a person who has done charity work for countless different organizations over the years, ranging from many children's causes to women's issues, including domestic abuse and medical conditions, human rights violations and many, many other things.

So now tell us--what's so great about YOU, you judgmental POS?
