Probably the most annoying/boring actress that is taken seriously
I watched the first RE film when I was about 13 and in my naive youth, I thought it was good at the time. I also thought Milla was awesome as well! I also loved the second RE film and when UltraViolet was announced I was ecstatic. Between RE2 and RE3, I matured a bit, and after the ultimate disappointment that was ultraviolet, my love for Milla massively diminished. Now having recently watched RE4, I have lost all respect for her.
in summary:
RE franchise is 8 hours of Milla looking angry, accompanied by her bad acting.
5th Element is 2 hours of Milla looking angry and acting thick, accompanied by her bad acting
ultraviolet is 2 hours of Milla looking angry, accompanied by her bad acting
(haven't seen .45 but I imagine it will be quite similar)
Not looking forward to her role in 3 Muskateers
Yes I know this is just a rant but I am interested in other peoples opinions, especially why she's been so successful in film when she's not really very good at acting???