MovieChat Forums > Helen Hunt Discussion > Helen Hunt Says Her Multiracial ‘Twister...

Helen Hunt Says Her Multiracial ‘Twister’ Sequel Idea Was Rejected in 2020


I say good to that. We don't need a multiracial anything at this point, it's so tired and played out.


How is it ‘played out’? We are a multicultural country.


Black people don’t chase storms, they also don’t live in the Midwest where tornadoes are common. Putting blacks where they don’t belong is jarring and distracting to the plot.


LOL you get distracted from the plot if you see black people? you sir are a moron and this come from someone who hate all this PC trend

That been say people need to focus in story and cinema as art, people dont talk anymore in term of edition, acting, writting or any related to the movie but how many minorities are in the movie and as a minority and i dont give a F about those things


Yes when a movie doesn’t match up to what we know in the real world, it’s distracting. If the tornado happened in “the hood” then I’m cool with it...but not near a farm in Kansas


I also find it distracting when you see a completely multiracial cast, that is not realistic at all but is clearly there to pander to the PC/liberal/diversity agenda police. Disclaimer: Before anyone decides to make a stupid ad hominem remark and call me a racist, I live in a latino country, I am white and my wife is Hispanic.


Before anyone decides to make a stupid ad hominem remark and call me a racist, I live in a latino country, I am white and my wife is Hispanic.

Why even bother wasting your time trying to justify yourself to the actual racists? Everyone should be able to share their point of view without having to account for their opinion to the Woke Police.

Everyone knows how disjointed and distracting it is when you see a room full of black scientists in a movie about space travel when it completely jars with real life, the same way it would be jarring seeing a bunch of black storm chasers when we all know that's just not something they do. Heck, are there even any prominent recreational black storm chasers in real life?


They should do a Twister sequel where super-genius Black scientists from Wakanda find a way to stop tornadoes and save the backwards, ignorant, evil white supremacists of the American midwest, even though the whites have treated the Wakandans abominably. It ends with all the whites on their knees weeping and praying to the Wakandans for forgiveness.


Another moron this dude say he get distracted when he see black people in movies like if it is something unthinkable of a black person living in Kansas or a black scientist or a black person being part of a team of research,

Take this example if you see Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise playing a native of Kansas that should be equally distracting because the MAJORITY of people in USA dont look like that at all, the majority of people is overweight and out of shape but people have not problem with movies full of blondes buff actors and big titties perfects actress, like that was how americans looks

I dont like when a movie biggest point of sale is his diversity because that mean that movie suck ass but say you get distracted for black people in general in a movie is ridiculous


Lucky for you, you dont have to shut your brain off to enjoy a movie. It comes that way. You can just ignore the forced diversity that doesnt exist in reality without serious consequences and strife. Or did you just forget the last 200 years of the history of the U.S. It didnt go too well, and it's only gotten worse.


I hate ghostbuster 2016 and the swap gender and races trend of the last years it seens to me like a sign of lack of creativity of Hollywood

The recent tv show with Jodie Turner-Smith as Anne Boleyn Is ridiculous and im really glad it flop but go to the xtreme of say any portrait of black people outside of a ghetto or as criminal is distracting is also ridiculous

Any positive portrait of a black person in a movie is force diversity?

Why people cant be ficking normal? why people looks like only can aligne with one extreme or the other? people nowadays is everything or nothing, where are the moderate, the rational people?


Who's watching a movie to see positive portrayals of blacks or anyone else for that matter, in a movie that isn't about that? Don't we already have those fake biopics about them like the Hurricane and Hidden Figures? We need to shoehorn it into everything? What a normie thing to say.


Yes you have blacks that live in Oklahoma just like you have asians living there as well. However what you do not have is rainbow groups that live and play together insome ridiculous way like they want to show in the multiracial movies. I've lived in Boston as well as the southern cities and the reality is people of every race tend to remain clustered with people of their same race. Shocking as it may be to the woke warriors that grew up with the Disney Channel shows where every household was mixed race, that isn't really how it is in the real world and some people get tired of watching the shows that push this ridiculous narrative constantly. It takes away from a movie because it becomes so ridiculous. I can only imaging the woke warriors making a remake of the Godfather where the Italian families were magically transformed into multiracial clans. People watch movies to be entertained, not to have the movies attempt to brainwash them into believing the skin is green and the grass is blue.


Wtf? How do you know that black people aren’t involved in something like that? I grew up in the Midwest, I had black neighbors and friends.


It’s 99.9% white people in those parts and I’ve never seen a black storm chaser in the history of this planet, you need a science degree also, so trust me the odds of their being black storm chasers is like 1 in 5 billion.


Jesus christ men are you for real? again do you get distracted when the majority of americans is play by good looking people who is in shape like Brad Pitt, Dicaprio, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and so on when Americans in his majority are not like that at all

A great cast was from the movie the fighter 2010 with the sisters of Mark and Cristian those are americans women

Besides black scientist are not that scarced as you think


Have you ever been to California? Everyone looks like Brad Pitt and Eva Longoria.

It’s not just one thing that makes it unrealistic but rather three separate things. Blacks in the Midwest are rare, but blacks who chase storms? Blacks who know science and are educated enough to understand storms? We’re talking Unicorn rare.


Of course California is full of people like that is the city where people who persuit a career in modelling or acting or anything related with the entertainment industry go, but is ridiculous to think is how people in general look

Look man you have to admit is some level of racism in you, if you tell me something like Wakanda is ridiculous to you i get you because it is, but just a black person playing a scientist? why that is so annoy to you to the point that distract you?

Them you should be distract by Dicaprio playing Howard Hughes or Jhonny depp playing Dillinger, what about Timothée Chalamet as King Henry V


What do you think racism is? The reality is racism is a natural thing that is the only reason human today exist. If the earliest humans were racist and drawn to stick with other humans that looked like they did, then they would gladly wander into another tribes camp and get killed and possibly eaten. A desire to stay with those similar to oneself is natural... do we want to push to go against nature now?

And what about yourself, do you think the man or woman you are in a relationship with is attractive? Of course you do, it was likely the first thing you noticed about them... and what determined how they looked? It was in large part based on their race. You like everyone else is a racist. There is nothing wrong with being a racist because it is human nature. The only problem is when you stop treating people with respect simply because of their race... otherwise like someone because they are black or hate someone because they are black who cares.


So you've seen a lot of storm chasers? Where?


Yes but not in every single thing, every movie, every tv series, every scene, every commercial. Not every group of friends depicted in a film has to have people of all colors. I see a movie or tv series, or even an ad, with that and I turn the channel. It is so completely inauthentic. They want authenticity in film and tv? Start portraying black people the way they really are, starting with the staggering amount of violence they commit, including murders and rape. They are the undisputed champions in both. Though you would never realize it if all you did was listen to the MSM and Hollywood.


Yeah. EVERY Black person in EVERY Hollywood movie today is noble, wise, cool, strong, empowered, long-suffering and vastly superior in every way to the nasty or pathetic or foolish White characters. What a load of crap.


As well it should because it would be pointless.


Like anyone who saw "Twister" gave a rat's ass about the human characters!


Oh, look, another washed-up actress jumping on an already crowded bandwagon.


You bigoted imbeciles are aware that there were and are plenty of black scientists??
