MovieChat Forums > Tom Hanks Discussion > Why is he considered great? I don't get ...

Why is he considered great? I don't get it.

Hanks can deliver lines, and he can be quite likeable on screen. But I don't see greatness in the guy, and never did. He has very limited range, unable to vary his act or convincingly play anything but the naive good guy. He's not even attractive and has a long, bean-like head.

I remember seeing him on a Hollywood Reporter roundtable with Willem Dafoe, Gary Oldman and Sam Rockwell, and almost marvelling at how inferior he is to those guys, despite being a bigger star.


Schmaltz. The king of cheese.


Hes into kids right, all those rumors about being in a cult. I think its true.


I like him. he is always the nice guy - i don't remember him the evil role in any movie so his range is a bit narrow. I don't see him as great actor but he was in great movies. So he is good in picking roles. And he is likable in most of his parts. Just like a james steward kind of guy. I think Steward also was never the evil guy right?


I'm not sure how he came to make the transition from comic actor to Oscar winner. Very few people can do that. Michael Keaton did, but not as easily.
