I Once Got Threatened by a Female Poster on a Movie Site for Criticising Him
This was back around 2014/2015. I stated that Mel Gibson was an anti-Semite and a racist, a contention that I don't believe anyone now considers to be remotely controversial or unreasonable. FWIW, I wasn't hating on Gibson per se, or saying that he should be 'cancelled' entirely (not that so-called 'cancel culture' was a common term back then), but I was calling him out for his deplorable behaviour, and stating a fact (i.e. that he had clearly been caught making anti-Semitic and racist statements). But, as a consequence, a fan of his basically 'attacked' and harassed me on the site, and despised me so much for calling out Gibson that she later said that she wished I'd shoot myself (during a separate discussion regarding gun control, on which I was on the side of greater control).
What I found particularly curious and infuriating, is that despite her simping for a bigot, and despite her wishing me dead in a particularly vile manner, various supposedly 'progressive' and 'woke' (yes, it wasn't a term that was used at the time) posters basically came to *her* defence. *eye-roll* It seems that because she was a mentally ill woman, she had every right to wish me dead simply for calling out a man that most progressives have stronger feelings against than I do.
Anyway, speaking even as a feminist, I wonder if this is what they call 'male privilege'...