MovieChat Forums > Mel Gibson Discussion > I Once Got Threatened by a Female Poster...

I Once Got Threatened by a Female Poster on a Movie Site for Criticising Him

This was back around 2014/2015. I stated that Mel Gibson was an anti-Semite and a racist, a contention that I don't believe anyone now considers to be remotely controversial or unreasonable. FWIW, I wasn't hating on Gibson per se, or saying that he should be 'cancelled' entirely (not that so-called 'cancel culture' was a common term back then), but I was calling him out for his deplorable behaviour, and stating a fact (i.e. that he had clearly been caught making anti-Semitic and racist statements). But, as a consequence, a fan of his basically 'attacked' and harassed me on the site, and despised me so much for calling out Gibson that she later said that she wished I'd shoot myself (during a separate discussion regarding gun control, on which I was on the side of greater control).

What I found particularly curious and infuriating, is that despite her simping for a bigot, and despite her wishing me dead in a particularly vile manner, various supposedly 'progressive' and 'woke' (yes, it wasn't a term that was used at the time) posters basically came to *her* defence. *eye-roll* It seems that because she was a mentally ill woman, she had every right to wish me dead simply for calling out a man that most progressives have stronger feelings against than I do.

Anyway, speaking even as a feminist, I wonder if this is what they call 'male privilege'...




Why am I an 'idiot'?

Are you a Mel Gibson simp? Are you an apologist for his racism and anti-Semitism? If not, why would you have any issue with my OP?


Extremely rare Kowalski W.



i remember a mel gibson fan who was female.


There were several.


Oh boo-hoo 😒

Try being called a groomer or pedophile on the reg and compare that to your trauma over your catfight with a Gibbo fan.


What's with the rudeness? Seems uncalled for.

How would you feel if you politely, but righteously, called out a celebrity's blatant bigotry, and were then subsequently harassed and attacked for doing so? And how would you feel if that poster, entirely out-of-the-blue, told you to kill yourself 'with a great big gun'? I was genuinely shocked and I felt like my heart had stopped for a afew moments when I saw that post.

Why are you lacking such empathy here? Weren't you the one speaking against right-wingers and bigots yesterday? And now you seem to be suggesting that it was 'okay' for a poster to threaten me for doing the same.

Honestly, I find your responses very inconsistent. You seem to be saying that I 'deserve' to be subjected to abuse, including DEATH THREATS, simply for doing the right thing.


I have been threatened, stalked, ridiculed, defamed, abused and called every derogatory name under the sun on this very site.. do you really care how I feel about it? Honestly?

You certainly were quite mute when in YOUR OWN thread yesterday it was insinuated that I support child grooming. Where was YOUR empathy then?


Clearly, I didn't see all those attacks, but surely you saw the post where I asked one of your attackers "Is that necessary?" I posted that immediately after I saw the *first* attack on you, but I didn't see the rest, since that thread had diverged into a private exchange between you and another poster/other posters, and so I wasn't paying attention to it.

But my apologies. If I had seen any other attacks, I should have chimed in and supported you. You're right. In theory, that would have been the right thing to do, and even if I wasn't there for you yesterday, I am now saying that you have my moral support. Still, like I say, surely you must have noticed my initial criticism of the poster who attacked you.

If I see any future attacks on you, of the nature you describe, I will say something in your support, for all it's worth. I don't know what your identity is, and unless you want to share it, it's none of my business, but it certainly seems that the nature of these attacks are vile and bigoted, and thus, unacceptable. Once again, fwiw, I entirely condemn them and the sentiments behind them.


216 posts. Blocked


For what?

What did I do wrong '8081' posts?


Princess thinks you're a troll simply because of the sparseness of your posting. I don't agree with you all the time, but you're not a troll.


Thank you for your honesty, your explanation, and your sense of fairness.

My posting history is 'sparse' because after a long absence, I've only just rejoined this site.




This doesn't sound like that woman -- can't remember her name -- who always typed furiously in all caps with two or three typos per word. Wish I could remember her name. She threatened to kill me herself. This was on the old IMDb message boards. Dang, that woman was crazy. But most of them were on the Mel Gibson board. They were almost all spelunking up Gibson's colon -- except for a hearty band of contrarians, which, naturally, included myself.


This was on a site called The Dissolve, a very good movie site with daily articles and news items, that was an offshoot of the AV Club (in the sense that many of its staff had originally cut their teeth writing for the AV Club). Unfortunately, it only lasted about 2 or 3 years, during the middle of the last decade, presumably due to low revenue.


There's something about Gibson that attracts crackpots of both sexes who swoon for him. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


In my experience, it would appear that way, but, as I said, in this case it was apparently a woman who was doing all the simping for Mel.


Hey Harvey, I sympathize with your situation.
It sounds like a lot of morons ganged up on you on dissolve.
speaking of which, you sound like you know a lot about movie chats.
What site would you recommend better than MC?
Have you seen anything like imdb 5 years ago?

MC is quite crappy, same 10 guys posting all the time and very little sense of real dicussion.
Anything better in your opinion?


Mel's worth a thousand of your kind.


What have I done to merit such abuse?

One thing I know I certainly haven't done is drink and drive, and then proceed to sexually harass a female police officer, by calling her 'sugar tits' before ranting about Jews.

Another thing I haven't done is verbally abuse my girlfriend and speak about her being 'raped by a pack of *N-word*'.

Not that I despise Gibson; not at all. But if you're going to say that I'm 'less than him', I'm going to remind you that my behaviour has always been far more decent.


You are a freaking millennial. Grow up and yes, learn what Mel Gibson did for the movie industry.
Once you become 13 or 14 try some alcohol yourself and record all your speeches...


I'm not a Millennial, and neither are 13/14 year-olds.

And I don't care what Mel did for the industry, none of it justifies abuse, including racism and anti-Semitism.


You are an anonymous douchebag nobody wants to know. With your black & white thinking you devide mankind in only 2 parts: Those who follow your absurd rules and those who don't. This way you put a genius like Mel Gibson on the same list like Hitler, Stalin and Nixon. And that's wrong. When you grow up, you will probably see.


I don't even put Nixon on the same list as Hitler and Stalin, let alone Mel Gibson.

And I don't think in binary terms. I'd welcome a Gibson rehabilitation. I'm simply pointing out that he's said and done some questionable things, and I shouldn't be abused/threatened with murder, simply for highlighting that.


Agree to the last sentence.
And it isn't really that hard to forgive a drunken rant decades ago. Just try...


Some people have argued that Gibson should be permanently cancelled. Some Jewish actors and filmmakers in particular feel he shouldn't be given another chance, and in view of the anti-Semitism he displayed, can you blame them?

My position is that if he displayed *genuine* contrition and regret for his previous words, and made every effort to engage with Jewish and Black organisations and communities, to demonstrate he was trying to transcend his anti-Semitism and racism, he could merit forgiveness and rehabilitation. There is a difference between his acts (as disgraceful as they undoubtedly were) and, say, rape/child molestation. But IMHO it does come down to whether he makes the clear effort to reform.


Mel gave us Lethal Weapon, Braveheart, Apocalypto and so much more. What did these "some Jewish actors and filmmakers" give us beside their "feelings"?
Asking an actor for an apology is not that easy because, well, he can act...
Nevertheless, in my eyes it was a drunken rant and shall be regarded as such and not with the one-eyed view of an over-sensitive cancel culture.


Are you saying their feelings don't matter?

Besides, I haven't seen Apocalypto, and I have mixed feelings about Lethal Weapon and the historically inaccurate (as well as rather homophobic and xenophobic) Braveheart.

Funnily enough, I do consider Passion of The Christ to be a brilliantly made film, despite all the criticisms of anti-Semitism, and I will give Gibson props for Hacksaw Ridge, as well as his appearances in Gallipoli, Ransom and Signs.

But bear in mind that Jewish audience members go to films to be entertained, the same as the rest of us. They don't want to be constantly reminded that the man they're watching despises them, and believes that they're responsible for Jesus's death and all wars.


Yeah, what can I say? It happens to me too that I am unable to enjoy some - surely good - movies because certain actors are involved. I remember a friend of mine had a problem with Brando "because he treated his daughter-in-law(?) bad". I don't care that much about Brando's daughter-in-law. Did she ever made me enjoy a movie? Nope, but Brando did.
It's up to the film industry to calculate that risk.


I could say that same thing about Woody Allen. Did his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, ever make a film I have a strong attachment to? No. But assuming Allen abused her (and, to be fair, and in my defence, the jury is still figuratively out on that question), it's not something I could casually dismiss just because I have a strong attachment to some of his films.


Sorry I got my maths wrong, he's actually worth 3000 of your kind. And by your kind i mean the whiny progressive wanker who likes to display to strangers on the internet how virtuous and just plain gooder than everyone else they are.


I never said I was 'virtuous' or 'plain gooder'. I doubt I'm the only person here who hasn't assaulted a police officer after driving drunk, or yelled racist and/or anti-Semitic abuse.


I said you like to display your perceived virtuousness not outright state it.
Cite sources that Mel assaulted a police officer, that's news to me if true. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you just made that part up.


Not physically, but verbally. He subjected one police officer to anti-Semitic abuse, and called a female officer 'sugar tits'.


So in other words Mel did not assault a police officer and you made it up.


I was speaking in good faith when I used the word 'assault'. I'm sorry if we were speaking at cross-purposes, but 'assault' doesn't just pertain to physical acts of violence.


I don't believe you.

I doubt I'm the only person here who hasn't assaulted a police officer after driving drunk, or yelled racist and/or anti-Semitic abuse

You made a distinction between assault and yelling racist and/or anti-Semitic abuse.


The assault I referred to in the former instance was when Gibson called a female police officer 'sugar tits' (such an incident can be regarded as assault, but perhaps it would have been fairer and more accurate if I'd said 'harassment'. I accept that). The racist abuse mostly pertains to the incident, that was recorded, in which Gibson shouted at his ex-partner, and said something about her being 'raped by a pack of *N-word*'.


You can keep calling it assault but it's in no way assault as it pertains to assaulting a police officer like you claimed. The fact you keep digging this hole, trying to spin what you said into something resembling reality, just signals to me that you're not really truthful.


English is a flexible language. Words can be used figuratively or literally. Take a word like "assault," for example. It can refer to a physical or verbal attack.
But I will hand it to you. You're not as thick as the usual Gibsonfan. For years on IMDb, they honestly said the poor woman Gibson assaulted with, "What're YOU lookin' at, Sugartits???" should have been flattered. Yes, that's precisely the word those aphid-brained morons used: "flattered." Why, the great Mel Gibson had commented disgustingly on that woman's breasts! And it was women who were saying it, too!
Sad thing is, they probably would have been flattered if a bleary-eyed drunk had called them that. Not every woman is. Some have actual self-esteem. Some would even consider the language to be a figurative assault. Imagine! πŸ™„


Take a word like "assault," for example. It can refer to a physical or verbal attack.

Considering I specifically pointed out that HarveyManFredSin made a distinction between assault and yelling racist and/or anti-Semitic abuse no, nice attempt at spin doctoring what was said but you fail.
You'll notice I haven't disputed any claims that Mel was verbally abusive only that he hadn't assaulted a police officer. Why do you people need to invent your own version of reality?
As to the rest of your post you seemed to spiral off into an unhinged tirade over Mel being a drunken arse 17 odd years ago and what some other people did or said to you previously about that. You seem quite emotionally invested in the whole situation and have taken it personally. I'm not really interested in all of that.


Maybe some of the smarter people will be able to figure out the rest of my post. It deals with what the other poster had called an "assault," and why non-aphid brains would take it as an assault if it had happened to them.

I take it back about you not being the typical Mel Gibson apologist. You fit the profile perfectly.

There's no point in my continuing this since you can't keep up.


Yawn, welcome to the ignore list little guy.
