the legend of mel gibson and billy joel
legend has it, it was sometime in the 80s, mel gibson and billy joel happened to be both spending a night at the same hotel in new york city. the two gods among men decided to meet up in the evening for a drink and they proceeded to do so. as the story goes, the two got along well and one drink led to another, and another and another, and they kept going throughout the night. these were two champs and it would take a whole lot to out drink any one off them. the two champs couldn't stop, each was unbreakable, they could not out drink each other, and by the end of the night there was no declared winner, only two very drunk celebrities.
witnesses say, the next morning, at checkout time, they crossed paths one more time only to make eye contact from across the room. almost like they could read each other's minds, the looks on their faces said "We shall never meet up and do this again."