What a creep! Will never see another one of his movies.
So Colin Firth says that he regrets not having done more about Harvey Weinstein when he heard about Weinstein's sexual harassment, so today he says he will never work with Woody Allen again???
Colin Firth, what do the two have to do with each other?
Well, for taking such a brave stand against someone who did not do anything, nothing was proven against, nothing showed up in 2 investigations, no one has accused him of before or since, and whose ex-wife lied about the father of his child who was really Frank Sinatra, and was a child abuser according to her other son Moses, Firth decided to pile on with a bunch of actresses who all benefitted from doing Woody Allen movies. Is this just spineless Hollywood politics?
Wow, what an idiot. Does he somehow know something he not saying or is he really such a creep as to stab someone in the back who give him work and contributed to his career?
Boycott this backstabbing moron.