I used to work in court, and had to attend hundreds of divorce, maintenance (alimony), and custody hearings. They used to put me in a really bad mood, because the women kept coming across like parasites, and the men didn't get anything even close to a fair deal, so much of the time.
Unless she was an alcoholic hooker with a drug problem, she nearly ALWAYS got custody of the kids. She lived with the kids and her new boyfriend, in the big house that her husband was still paying for, while HE was living in a crummy apartment with no furniture. She would never marry her boyfriend, because the alimony would stop.
She poisoned the kids against their father, only grudgingly letting him see them even when he showed up on the doorstep with a court order and a sheriff's officer. If he objected to paying for kids he was never allowed to see, he was called a "deadbeat dad". And even if he paid regularly, she would often lie to the kids and say the reason they couldn't afford anything nice was that he wasn't paying for them at all. And to PUNISH him, she'd often accuse him of molesting the kids, in an attempt to get him denied any visitation rights at all -- but she still expected those child-support payments!
And how often did I hear them divide up everything HE owned, even if she had a good job -- or was even making more than he was. He still had to pay. Very often, the wife didn't lift a finger to retrain or become self-supporting, believing that, because he had once made the mistake of marrying her, he should have to support her in style for the rest of her life. Even when he was completely blameless in the marriage break-up, he was still often expected to give her half of the money that he had worked for, so that she could "find herself".
When Kirstie Alley divorced Parker Stevenson, she was riding high on Cheers every week, while he wasn't getting much work -- so he applied for alimony from her. Fair is fair. I couldn't believe the twits who were calling him a deadbeat and a kept man, and saying things like "What kind of MAN wants to be supported by a woman??" Odd how they don't see anything wrong with a woman being supported by a man....... Pure hypocrisy!