Join the Johnny depp boycott!
Tell your friends not to spend money supporting his films.
shareNo thanks, I'll do the opposite and insist we all go see his movies in theaters. Might even go see them twice. Does that make you mad? I hope it does. I hope you get rectal bleeding from it.
shareSad that he's becoming the new Bill Cosby/Woody Allen/Michael Jackson :(
AC/DC are Bronies
Tell your friends not to spend money supporting his films.
bycrazyostrich04 » Fri Aug 19 2016 14:12:25
It blows my mind that Sean Connery never gets this kind of reaction.
The media reported outraged complaints towards the BBC in the UK before Christmas about them airing 'Alice' as showing a JD movie was seen as condoning the actions of a wife beater, yet no one ever bats an eyelid at channels playing old Bond movies or showing anything starring Sean Connery.
People's selective outrage baffles me sometimes. I think a lot of people are more invested in spiting the individual than uplifting the cause they claim to be endorsing.
this is why Trump won
shareF_ck that shit. He hasn't done nothing to me (except making that one f movie)