MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > Is he being Blackmailed

Is he being Blackmailed

It's the only explanation i can find for him pissing all over his legacy, unless he enjoys being sat around on a movie set 8 hours a day surrounded by kids

I have heard people say let him enjoy it he's old he's earned it ect but i can't buy that, If he was an average actor with a couple of hits you could let it slide, but most A listers can go an entire career and never get one Raging Bull or Goodfellas.

Yet for about 20 years virtually everything he touched was gold and even the smaller ones respected and even re evaluated later on as being some what of an underrated masterpiece (King of Comedy)

He had a perfect Record in Hollywood terms and yet for some reason he's decided to piss it all away, its unfathomable.

This is a man who worked as a Taxi Driver for six months, got to nearly pro standard as a boxer and then took his body in the other direction. this is not a man who takes it easy

There is pride there and rightly so, generations came after him idolizing him and he's still the benchmark

So why not do what Jack Nicholson did, getting on and past your best? ok fair enough ill bow out quietly with some dignity and my film resume will stand the test of time

It's not even like he's going for risky misfires, Dirty Grandpa? seriously that is just a fuck you to everyone,

But either he is in on it and having a laugh, or these execs with a gun to his head are just ripping the piss out of him
But it' at the point now where i think he might have some Harvey Weinstein shit over his head


Never underestimate the power of.......EASY PAYCHECKS!


Eh, he's not beholden to some image you have of him. Besides, those shitty movies he's been in pay him in the 7-figure range, even the straight to DVD/streaming films.

He also has his own production company so I'm sure his paychecks for Bad Grandpa keep that funded.


It's not the image i have of him though, it's the image he crafted for himself by being so particular with the roles he chose for 30 years

Do you think McCconoghay would have done rom-coms for 10 years if he would have had the chance to make anything like he does now? of course not but now he's in a position of power and has some clout you will never see him standing back to back with some tv star who think they can tame him ever again.

And taking shit films to fund a production company seems backward, how about actually producing your own decent films? it's an idea


I'd argue that back to right after "Heat" that DeNiro started to make movies for the sheer economic reward instead of maintaining a sort of "Gold Standard" leading actor status. He still made good movies after that but with silly outings like "The Fan", "Analyze This" and the sequel, he relented some of those standards and instead parlayed his brand into for-profit affairs.


Yeah, it's bizarre. . .it's almost as though he's some mega-famous, ultra-rich, award-winning, critically-acclaimed movie star who's achieved everything possible in his field, and is now doing whatever the f*ck he wants. And isn't concerned in the least about what some random knob on a message board thinks.



Well from one random internet knob to another, get off of his cock! the man should have more respect for himself.

If he was just a jobbing actor maximizing his earning potential then fair enough, but he was never about that. He's already worth 500 million, why would he take 5 to whore himself out in that shite.

He's become a laughing stock and it will get the point if it hasn't already that no one will be able to watch his old films without seeing him as the idiot today

I'm not on here to troll, i know a lot of people love him and will defend him to death, but it got to the point after seeing that Grandpa advert for the fiftieth time that i said i have to go on internet to see if there is a legitimate reason for him to suddenly change direction in the manner he has, it can't be as simple as greed


Why not, I'm bored:

Your assessment aside, I have no strong feelings one way or another. Just trying to (gently) point out the flaw in your thought processes, and the absurdity of your assertions.
You seem to be aware that he's worth a LOT of money. And that he has all the accolades anyone could ever earn. BUT you then puzzlingly conclude that he's "whoring himself out," or that he's somehow going to be a "laughing stock."

This is your error, which is of a fundamental nature.

You can neither conflate your personal tastes w/anyone else's, nor assume some critical high ground, nor peek inside his mind. One thing is for Sure: the man cares little for your opinion, has achieved his @$$ off, and is able to do Whatever He Wants.

It's really that simple.


Bored? you are on a Robert De Niro message board discussing Robert De Niro

Ok so you honestly think that he is sitting in his chair flipping through scripts and yells
'' Quick, get my agent on the phone, i must star in this''

You think it was interesting for him?

The films and himself are being critically panned across the board and everyone is scratching their heads as to why

Surely there was another film he could phone in where it wasn't just him wanking himself to death for 90 mins

I am getting the vibe you actually like Dirty Grandpa, i can't help you there
Oh dear i think i walked into the wrong bar

Carry on


Couldn't tell you. Haven't seen Dirty Grandpa.

Not bored enough to continue to beat on a special needs case. Feel free to carry on solo.


Goliard you've alluded to the fact he doesn't care what the opinion of peasants on messages boards say, and that's obviously true.

That's still not his justification for making these movies us peasants have no part in that process.

And what about the opinion of his peers? He obviously doesn't care what they think either no?

Either he doesn't care what anyone thinks or he's being bent over and being told what to make. There's no way he's ruined a legacy for a 1% pay rise.

Being told what to make isn't some deranged conspiracy Hollywood have been doing it for almost a century.



You seem equally as confused as your compatriot.

No idea why you think an actor needs "justification," as you imply. Corollary: Your remarks seem to indicate You are driven by a need for validation by your peers. Again; it's a mistake to apply your failings to the next person; whether they're anonymous message board denizens or famous actors.

Your paucity of imagination is showing. To reduce a person (especially one w/essentially limitless options) to an "either/or" scenario is absurd.

Finally: to repeat. . .because You think he's "ruined a legacy" in no way makes it true.



What a pedantic person you are, you sound like a bargain basement Hannibal Lecter.

And to write Fin which is one of the most laughable and cringiest sign offs i have read shows that you must have watched at least one art house film in your time so i presume must have some concept and maybe an ounce of appreciation for artistic integrity, which is very ironic.

It is not absurd at all to wonder why a person with With Artistic Merit and shit loads of money would take on film roles which will certainly put a dent in your Artistic Merit all for an extra few bags of silver, not strange at all.

When i read your writing i get a vision of Stewie from Family Guy in my head, a big gay baby



It really, Really bothers me that you have that opinion of me.

Wait. . .oh, that's right. There is not POSSIBLY any way for me to care less. Right.

Pray, continue to babble about how your opinion should matter to Robert DeNiro. Work at it! Work at it! Everyone should have goals! Even complete muppets!



You've really put me in my place, thank you so much

All that time i have wasted on self help books and therapists if only somebody had told me the answer to all my problems was loitering on the defunct Robert De Niro IMDB Boards


Movies or films is now a dead art form. Robert De Niro accepts roles in movies like Heist ( ) only to finance his real passion - real estate.


Trump will whip his ass
