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John Cusack in Breaking Bad?

I've read several articles that mentioned he was originally considered for the role of Walter White in Breaking Bad but it obviously went to Bryan Cranston. He said himself he had the pilot script but wasn't officially offered the job. I think John would have done really well in that role. I'm interested to know what others think.

I'm not afraid of the dark.....I'm afraid of what's in the dark.


It was cast perfectly and I am beyond grateful it was not John Cusack. Bryan Cranston knocked it out of this world! (And I'm a fan of Cusack)


he would've been a better choice than Matthew Brodrick,who was also thought of before Bryan Cranston,but Cranston was just superb and we can only be thankful he got that part.


I can't even imagine how good Breaking bad might have been with a real actor. It would probably still be on. I think John could have hit a home run. Lets face it, the show was on AMC. The award shows are moving towards cable, but the money is still over the air. Over 30% of america still uses an antenna. Thats where the money will be for some time to come.


hang on hang on, are you implying bryan Cranston isn't a real actor??

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you


luvbeer ?...i believe that,because you where obviously drunk when you wrote that comment !


you're kidding right? jezus christ dude please watch it again if you really think that.


LOL! Cusack can't and never could act. He's like Tom Cruise or Keanu Reeves, same guy in every movie. Cranston created one of the most iconic TV characters of all-time. The list of actors that might have done as good of a job as Cranston is very short, and Cusack isn't anywhere close. The show would have been terrible had either Cusack or Broderick been chosen. Really don't understand how they were even considered.


by Hopz_7 » Sun Mar 9 2014 11:52:39
IMDb member since April 2008

...Really don't understand how they were even considered.

I agree.

Never one to miss an opportunity to praise BrBa, I'd like to add that every once in awhile a part comes along for which an actor is so perfectly suited, that when they nail it, no one can imagine anyone else possibly coming near it.

And I think what Hawkluvbeer was (clumsily) trying to say was that Cranston had the benefit of not coming into his role(s) in Brba overexposed as an actor. I totally disagree with his opinion that the series may've continued longer with someone of higher caliber cast in the lead role.

If anything, the series would have been more short-lived, had that been the case.

The downside for Cranston though, is no matter what I've seen him in since, he's still Walter White!

"If people like you don't learn from what happened to people like me..." -Professor Rohl
