by Hopz_7 » Sun Mar 9 2014 11:52:39
IMDb member since April 2008
...Really don't understand how they were even considered.
I agree.
Never one to miss an opportunity to praise BrBa, I'd like to add that every once in awhile a part comes along for which an actor is so perfectly suited, that when they nail it, no one can imagine anyone else possibly coming near it.
And I think what Hawkluvbeer was (clumsily) trying to say was that Cranston had the benefit of not coming into his role(s) in Brba overexposed as an actor. I totally disagree with his opinion that the series may've continued longer with someone of higher caliber cast in the lead role.
If anything, the series would have been more short-lived, had that been the case.
The downside for Cranston though, is no matter what I've seen him in since, he's still Walter White!
"If people like you don't learn from what happened to people like me..." -Professor Rohl