Honest question, is Tom Cruise gay?
We've been hearing the rumors all our lives.
shareAnd you're gonna take an answer given here as the definitive truth ?
shareIn a word, NO. 🤣 So?
share Well then , on the set of Jerry Maguire, Cuba Gooding's dad asked him if he was gay. He said no.
So thats about as definitive as it gets.
Because actors never lie for PR purposes? That's not "definitive".
It's a well known fact that Hollywood leading actors who happen to be gay must give an appearance of heterosexuality to appeal to a female fan base.
So if for example he said he was gay in some circumstance would you take that as definitive ?
shareProbably, yeah, because there's no incentive for an actor like Cruise to lie about that.
However, many actors lie about their sexuality and claim to be queer. Look at Anne Heche. It looks like she lied about being a lesbian. Billie Eilish has been accused of "queerbaiting". And many heterosexual females pretend to be bisexual to score points with straight males.
Totally agree with you, Cruise would not say this even as a joke.
Also agree that many people pretend things in order to seem different.
My conclusion is that we will never know for sure.
Also, my second conclusion is that actually i don't give a shit if he's gay or not.
Frankly I don't really give a shit about Tom Cruise either. But we're on his board, so oh well.
shareI think he's asexual (but his childlike, uber innocent, over-earnest, work-first-life-later ethic, pigeonholes him in the Michael Jackson category) in which people will invariably speculate?
What I do find odd, is that in this day and age, that anyone still use his sexuality (especially *if* he were gay) as a slur against him anyhow?
I agree, "gay" is not a slur. And it annoys me when heterosexuals use it as one.
That's so gay! Uh, no, it isn't. That statement itself is a homophobic slur.
The comparison to Michael Jackson is a good one.
My assumption is that he is probably straight. I don't see or hear any gay vibe. But what do I know?
I don't have a great interest either way, but I do recall an old interview with Mimi Rogers who was married to Cruise 20 or more years ago. She commented that Tom didn't have much use for, well, the lady parts. For context, that was when Rogers was pretty hot, so I would put him in the asexual category at least.
Tom didn't have much use for, well, the lady parts.
An ex-wife would know.
I'd say Cruise is in love with:
1. Himself
2. Scientology
3. Movie Making
I bet he doesn't love any of his 3 ex-wives because they dropped Scientology. Prob doesn't love Suri either, or she won't have much to do with him. He got the plastic surgery because he wants to be the perfect 28 year old forever. If Cruise has any sex it's probably very private; joiking off to Miscavage produced Xenu porn.
I knew a pretty well-known gay porn star/escort in the late '90s/early 2000s who claimed TC would hire him. I have no reason to believe he was lying.
shareHere those rumors about most big stars. I don't think Tom Cruise is in the closet. He has a long history of marrying hot Hollywood women, pulling them into his cult, and then getting divorced. Among those women he didn't marry, but had romantic relationships with was of course Penelope Cruz, but also Rebecca DeMornay, Sofia Vergara, and Cher said he was one of the best lays he ever had.
Looks like to even have a shot with the guy, you need to be famous as well
Cher said he was one of the best lays he ever had.