Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context
Cruise does this all the time in Scientology. Gullible people fell for it.
Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.
According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”
Tom does not care about the families of his crew; this is all for publicity. Tom does not believe in family values. I mean, how anyone is falling for this is just mindblowing. I would bet that Tom had this rant written for him and had his Scientology assistant record and release it. Hearing a rich actor with enormous power address his crew in this way is a sign of weakness and a deeply troubled person. This is not just a rant of another asshole actor. Tom Cruise pretending that he cares is why a few have called him out. They know this is a publicity stunt, they know what Tom really is and what Tom really believes. Tom believes in the destruction of family if a member decides to leave Scientology. Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of pedophiles to report to the police, Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of rape report their crimes or abuse… and if they do, his cult says their lives should be destroyed for doing so.