MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > if it had been on the set of Jack Reache...

if it had been on the set of Jack Reacher 3..

imagine Reacher 2 Never Look Back had been a huge success and made like double what JR1 made and TC was busy filming Reacher 3 (or 4 as had Reader 2 hit they'd have probably fact tracked a few sequels quick) and hed had the outburst.. I think hed have also opened a can of whup ass on the covid offending duo you'd hear shouting and stuff but it would be more of the Reacher threats style and then you'd hear punchs and kicks and crying and ppl rushing in trying to stop it going 'no! Tom no! No!'

So really those guys were lucky the Reacher franchise stalled and Cruise was making a Mission Impossible film as Ethan Hunt isn't so aggressive and keen to sort out problems with his fists!
