Cruise in Star Wars
for some reason call it a premonition whatever I get the feeling he'll do a Star Wars movie in the near future (like a Knights of the Old Republic movie where he'll play a older Jedi like Liam Neeson)
why? I just get the impression missing out on Iron Man and what that would've meant for him (heading the biggest franchise of all time and becoming literally biggest movie star of all time) really cut him to the core and he's eager to try find that with something else. Yes he does the MIs which are huge but they're pretty intermittent and its like he wants something else like Stallone, Ford etc had (and now more than ever now the 'movie star' is like a dying breed) He tried with The Mummy and it didn't work (seriously that was a big WTF move for Cruise .. yeh hed done SF before with Spielberg and Oblivion/Edge but Mummy was like a near remake of the Fraser Mummy and a blatant try at a Cinematic Universe) and Reacher was supposed to be like a Bond or Bourne franchise for him but that died..ok he's finally done Top Gun 2 but they've been trying to make that fly for about 20years now... but Cruise in SW would be a big deal.. a big deal for SW (after the disappointments of Last Jedi, Solo, Rise of Skywalker) and a big deal for Cruise (beyond doing MI he's pretty quiet box office wise now) and as Cruise is a movie fan hed probably be interested in being in a SW
Also SW isn't above sticking big name actors in the films (Liam Neeson, Woody Harelson, Bettany, and obviously bringing Harrison Ford back for TFA) but Cruise in SW would be a major wtf deal and make a new SW movie into an 'event' again
Also due to Covid19 studios are going to double down and only do stuff that's guaranteed to make money so that means mainly superheroes (Marvel/DC) and SW (that can shoot mainly in controlled studio environments) released in theatres (redesigned hygiene theatres) more than ever so big name (ex)A list stars are going to have to get in those films even more than before if they don't want to be in streaming stuff..well alot of them were doing it before C19 as the movie landscape had become all about Superheroes/fantasy than the above the title film star vehicles like pre 00s.. I mean ever since SW in '77 SciFi has been huge and never gone away and attracted big stars but its like ever since Avengers in 2012 its pretty much killed off the movie star driven movies in favour of big name (or not) actors playing iconic roles (usually with capes) with some exA listers even going stdvd like Willis (which was unthinkable a decade or so ago) with only the sequels to the mega hits being released in theatres like Die Hard/Unbreakable, Rambo/Rocky, Terminator or Avengers style team ups like Expendables which never wouldve happened back in the 80s/90s ..and its going to be even more so now