MovieChat Forums > George Clooney Discussion > Smug Smarmy Asshole...

Smug Smarmy Asshole...



Kick a man while he’s down?


I'm acquainted with several people who work in the industry, and Clooney is actually a nice guy. One of the people
I know was really down and out in the industry, but managed to get a pitch meeting with Clooney for a film. Clooney
was on time, made total eye contact, smiled warmly and listened for an hour. In the end, Clooney wasn't interested
in the film, but he had the class to hear my friend out and didn't distract himself with his cell phone, interrupt, or
cut my friend off. He was a class act. Even though my friend didn't sell his idea, he was very impressed with Clooney,
who went out of his way to be friendly and attentive. Pretty rare in Hollywood.


Still he was a complete jerk to Charleton Heston. Who had Alzheimer's at the time. That's when my opinion of the man began to change.


Mr. Clooney apologized. (Not that he really did anything that dramatic to the horrid Mr. Heston, anyway, considering all the blood that's on the older stars hands.)

<< In 2008, shortly before Charlton passed away, George revealed that he had made up with the legendary actor: "I wrote him a letter saying I usually avoid making jokes at people's expense, so I'm sending you an apology, and I got a really nice letter back from his wife." >>


Yeah I remember. But it was still a dick move on his part.


It was really quite minor. It's not like he lurked outside Heston's apartment to throw a bucket of puke on him in front of a live camera crew!

<< George reportedly joked, "Charlton Heston announced 'again' today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's." According to George, he was making a joke about Charlton's conservative views and support for the National Rifle Association. >>

Is that really such a big deal? I mean, they're all grownups.


Down???? What did something happen to him today???


Yeah he was in a motorcycle accident in Italy. Was hospitalized but they say he’ll be ok.


Hmmm what a coincidence...😉


Copy coincidence?


I didn't type that. My phone That's what happens when one types fast and forgets to check for auto spell errors.


If you watch the video closely, just after the accident you can see the spectral form of Charlton Heston float out of the body of the driver of the truck that drove in front of Clooney.


Eff Charlton Heston. Except for Planet of the Apes 1 & 2 and El Cid.


He always seemed cool to me
Been in some really good movies and is a fun interview on talk shows

He probably should lay off the scooter bikes at his age though


Yeah, he's really cool!!


Well, it's Italy. Kinda hard to lay off the scooter bikes. CIAAAAO!


Hmm...thats a good point


When I lived in Italy I had a old scooter bike that a friend suped up. DAMN that thing was loud but hauled ass. 🤣

And yep. Had an accident on the thing. Fractured my collar bone.


Jeez! Awful injury😱

They are really cool and i see them on Craigslist pretty frequently...but im too chicken lol


Yeah, the day after the injury was when I found out just how many muscles are involved getting out of bed. Took half an hour and a pass-out. 😅

But even so, I would get another one were they not so high a theft item in my city. Bicycles and mopeds just disappear. 🤣🤣🤣
