MovieChat Forums > George Clooney Discussion > Hypocritical, left wing elitist Hollywoo...

Hypocritical, left wing elitist Hollywood actor.

“If you listen to the loudest voices out there today, you’d think we’re a country that hates Mexicans, hates Muslims, and thinks that committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again.”-George Clooney

1. Nobody hates Mexicans, we hate illegal immigration. We are sick of being overrun by Mexico and the Mexican government who encourages it. Your buddy Hillary was for securing our borders at one time and sounded a lot like Trump does now on the issue:

Heck, liberals (real ones, not the fake ass ones in Hollywood) were against illegal immigration at one time because of the effect it had on the working class. Labor leader Cesar Chavez was a noted one.

2. Nobody is against Muslims who are truly good. But despite the left's rhetoric that Christians are the real terrorists, it wasn't Christians who drove planes into the World Trade Center, it wasn't Christians who bombed people in Paris and Brussels recently, it wasn't a Christian who shot up the gay bar in Orlando recently, it wasn't Christians who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013, and on and on I could go. This was all the work of MUSLIMS. In Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran being homosexuality is against the law punishable by death, women are forced to wear burkas and submit to the man and girls have been killed for simply wanting to attend school. It blows my mind how some of these liberal *beep* like C-looney bash Christianity but defend Islam no matter what. There are some good Muslims, yes, but there a lot of bad ones as well and Sharia Law is extremely oppressive. Liberals are constantly paranoid that Christians are trying to turn the US into a theocracy but don't seem to care about Muslims trying to do the same here, or they just dismiss it is as not a possibility. Well if Christians can violate the Separation clause why can't Muslims? Especially since liberals seem to give free passes to Islam. What does C-looney care anyway? He is protected by armed bodyguards. It is us common folk who he claims to be for who will feel the brunt of any attack.

3. As far as War crimes goes what is he referring to? The Iraq War that Hillary herself voted for?
