You Hollywood libturds lost me with ILLEGAL "immigration"
And, of course, it is not "immigration" at all! Immigrants come here LEGALLY, and respect our laws. ILLEGALS are CHEATERS!
How can you Hollyweird clowns even attempt to justify ILLEGAL entry to our nation? How many ILLEGALS can we handle? All 7 BILLION? Did you clowns even ATTEMPT to project what would happen with open borders! Can you see passed your noses?
We TRUMP voters have a number in mind when it comes to ILLEGALS entering our nation... It's *ZERO*! A clearly definable philosophy. But that's OK, libturds. Just keep it up! There are many more elections that you can lose! LOL!!
And btw... don't forget to keep voting for little Miss We've-got-to-pass-it-to-see-what's-in-it. I enjoy watching her getting clubbed over the head!!
God this is schveeeeeeeeet!!!