Turns to Jesus


Seems he's changed or awakened to the lord and savior?


He's a Trump-turd now?!


How does it make him that?


Trump shared a post from a Truth Social user with the username @AQPatron early on Friday morning that included an image showing the former president and the phrase "They told me I could be anything I wanted so I became the savior of western civilization."


But it doesn't make him a Trumper. I hate Trump and am against the wall, but I think he's correct with some of his views.


Heads up: a lot of Christians *despise* Trump (as much as a *true* Christian is permitted to despise another human-being). They abhor his greed, his materialism, his adultery, his self-promotion, his cruelty, his bullying, his aggression, his bigotry, his lack of regard for the environment, and his lack of compassion and humanity.

I'm not a Christian myself, for rationalist reasons, but most Christians I know lean to the political left.


If they lean left, they are probably aren´t Christian. A Christian would never side with a party that overtly supports/promotes abortion and homosexuality. Trump is no Christian but he´s definitely the lesser of two evils compared to Biden.


Travel the rest of the world, to those places in which Christianity originated and evolved, and you'll find that many non-American Christians lean to the left, and regard abortion and homosexuality as niche issues, in comparison to social justice, environmental protection, and the eradication of poverty.

It has been observed that the UK Labour Party owes more to Methodism than to Marxism, and Pope Francis arguably leans much further to the left than many Americans. In South America, Liberation Theology is a significant movement.

Anyone who truly follows the word of Christ, will find that Jesus, assuming he ever existed (not that I believe he was divine and capable of literally turning water into wine), was the original socialist.


Don´t need to travel the rest of the world to know false churches exist. The Bible definitely doesn´t promote socialism. Neither are abortion/homosexuality "niche issues". Sin is sin. Any "Christian" that promotes/endorses sin, isn´t a Christian. Pope Francis is about as anti-Christ as they come fwiw.


The arrogance of Americans never fails to astound me. As if the New World knows more about Christianity than the Vatican. 🙄🤦‍♂️


If your implication by that statement is that, I am American, I am not fyi. True Christianity isn´t based on geography, it is based on whether you are born again or not, and believing the Bible is the word of God. The Vatican doesn´t even follow the Bible but I am sure they "know more about Christianity" lol. The current pope supports same-sex civil unions as well as universalism (anyone can get into heaven without faith in Jesus). Those are both very obvious anti-Biblical positions.


The Papists are not Christians.


This was 2017 and not the first time he brought up Jesus. He's supposedly a spiritual man and has mentioned other religions. I don't think he has suddenly turned to Jesus, he was simply speaking on behalf of a Christian organization.


"He's supposedly a spiritual man"
Who supposes that? Even Evangelicals know what he really is but they support each other like all parasite- host relationships.


According to what he has said, he's spiritual. I don't believe he has ever implied he's Evangelical.


If he's spiritual the rest of us are saints!


I agree. He mentioned Jesus which is encouraging but he did not preach the gospel (repentance of sin etc). He also preached pantheism. "Every cell of your body is God". Christians believe in the triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Just because God is everywhere, doesn´t mean God is everything, that is a blatantly anti-Christian belief.


I think Jim Carrey is a really talented person and I've always felt that he's a "troubled soul" (You can see it in some of his performances and interviews). I get the impression that he wants to be a "good person," but there are a lot of demons inside of him.

I really can't add anything to BillySlater's posts (I'm really impressed with how well he is able to articulate his beliefs, plus his Biblical knowledge). Jesus said it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven...I really hope Carrey continues to seek for answers and that he genuinely does turn to Christ.


BillySlater is a right-wing moron, and if he truly believed that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven, he wouldn't be a Republican, far less a Trump supporter.


Well...I refuse to get into political discussions here (although I do believe people should feel free to discuss politics if they wish...just not on the "General Discussion" page). I'll just say I respectfully disagree with you...and I think you'll find a lot of ultra-rich Democrats out there as well.


@ Harvey, thanks for the ad hominem comment. The eye of the needle passage is commonly misinterpreted because it is taken out of context. The end of the passage says, with God all things are possible (meaning yes even rich men go to heaven, eg King Solomon was the richest person in the Old Testament and was saved). Jesus was challenging the notion that Rabbis believed wealthy man were "prime candidates for heaven" because they had been blessed with wealth but Jesus was emphasizing that rich men are more often than not spiritually poor because they are prideful, and content with their wealth/status. The teaching is that men cannot earn their salvation through life accomplishments/wealth but only by grace through faith in Jesus.
Btw, if the Bible were pro-socialism, it wouldn´t advocate saving money (growing wealth), honoring debts etc etc.


"Eye of a needle" is btw the name of a narrow lane in Jerusalem...


Awesome! I did not know that.

A few years ago (2019, I think...a year before COVID-19 hit), the pastor of the church we attended back then visited Jerusalem and told us about his trip. He was really moved by it. I remember they retraced the path Jesus supposedly took during His Crucifixion and they had a map of the area to show us.
