
she actually yelled insults at a nice wheelchair bound person who was simply requesting a photo. Industry insiders have reported that she
consistently treats people with disrespect.




People should quit bugging celebs with autographs and photos. Just because they're admired doesn't mean people should invade their personal time. I wish people would understand that. If it's not at a signing event, leave them be.
I once seen a celeb at a Fourth of July event, who I personally admired. Instead of bothering him, I enjoyed the firework show like he was trying to do. Luckily, it was mostly dark and he was wearing a hat, so no one bothered him.

Make Dredd 2!


As I've *always said about Sandy, as much as I love her and think (for A list Hollywood) she's prob. as good as they come (that's the overall 'word' I've actually heard and read), there's just NO way she's Miss Congeniality in real life 24/7! lol You can't be this massive for this long w/out being (at the minimum) tough, direct and unfortunately nasty when necessary! Cmon people...think about it! lol. Also, *where is the footage or SOURCE for your 'info' :?

Imagine being at her level or stardom and every friggin place you go people don't leave you alone or want and expect something from you! Yes, you're basically asking for it if you seek superstardom but there's also a time/place. If she's at an airport, restaurant, mall etc..you know everyday places and is in a rush, having a stressful day (like we all do), while it's not cool to be an ass, just leave her alone. If's it's an appropriate setting and she or whoever is still a nasty douchebag, that's different. I do think there exceptions. If someone is ill, in a wheel chair, a child etc...you just take the 30 seconds. But the problem w/ that is it could become a mob scene then all the endless other simple, star struck people will come at you so it's a catch 22. :/

'Word' it's even the same thing with Oprah! lol. I've head stories from people who live or lived in Chicago and other places ranging from how awful she is to her being super professional, all biz. but not a b*tch though NOT the lovable, super cool, humble persona we all see on TV.


I never understood autographs much really. I mean, for me, simply seeing someone in person is cool enough. I don't need their signature. I'm sure some people use autographs and pictures to show to their peers as proof that they met a celeb, but if peers don't trust your word, they aren't worth being around. That's my opinion.
I've met three celebs, none of which I asked for an autograph (one was even at a signing event). I'm happy enough knowing I got to see them in person.

Make Dredd 2!


Yeah she's horrible


A kind of troll wrote a bull.....it and you started believing it? People invent stories on boards about celebrities simply to have sick fun or repeat idiotisms.πŸ˜’ A celebrity never lets onself to yell insults especially on a wheelchair bound person because knows how gossip papers will use it and how bad PR will have.
I heard that she is very nice to people who met her.


To the OP.
Because somebody is confined to a wheel chair doesn't make them nice, necessarily.
Nor should it exempt them from getting yelled at if they are being a jerk.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Do not take his comment seriously. If you look at his board history he writes lies about many other celebritis. It is a troll.πŸ˜•
