WTH happened to her face?!
So just got back from seeing "The Heat" hilarious movie , Melissa McCarthy is a riot. Great fun movie BUT every time there was a close up of Sandra's Bullock face , I was like "WTH happened to her face?" It looks like she had some kind of terrible face lift where her eyes are nearly like slits they are so taught to the side, her forehead is it seems botoxed to death, her face is so frigid and emotionless it was shocking especially when she was side by side with McCarthy's character. I mean even when Sandra's character was supposed to emote her face was just like frozen. What a crime. Looking 10 years yonger but not being able to move your face is a poor trade off for anyone, even more so an actress who's job it is to emote. Hope it's more botox overdose than surgery gone bad so it can be reversible but I think BOTH went bad!
I don't know when this happened. Last movie I saw her in was "the blind side" and I don't remember being shocked like this.