Mediocre director; hasn't made a good film since 1996!
And even before that, his only good movies were the Shakespeare ones. Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, In the Bleak Midwinter and Hamlet are all great, but Dead Again is derivative schlock that feels less like a tribute to Hitchcock than a tribute to Brian De Palma (an imitation of an imitation) and Peter's Friends is navel-gazing sentimentality that aims for The Big Chill but feels more like Thirtysomething.
Everything else he's done has been dreadful. Films like Frankenstein, Love's Labour's Lost, As You Like It, The Magic Flute and Sleuth range from laughably bad to just downright boring and all have (rightly) flopped, critically and commercially. No surprise that he's now selling-out and directing generic, big-budget franchise instalments like Jack Ryan and Thor. These movies seem so joyless and anonymous that they look like they could have been directed by anyone.
The fact that he's best known as a decent actor has saved him from being better known as the most boring and mediocre director of the last eighteen years.