Its my poor Mum who likes Fairuza Balk not me.I think you made a typo there. Didn't you mean to write "Its my poor Mum who likes Fairuza Balk and not me."? That would go a long way towards explaining your obsession with her. Constantly hearing good ol' mum saying things like "Fairuza this ...", "Fairuza that ...", "Why can't you be more like Fairuza?", "Fairuza has over 27,800 followers, you have 1, and I'm seriously reconsidering that.", "Yes, dear, I'm sure your school pictures are around here somewhere, but Fairuza was on these magazine covers, and I didn't want to clutter the walls, so ...".
And what's a troll, huh?This is a troll:
Some things in this world upset me, and writing it out like this helps clear it off my chestAnd since good ol' mum is spending all her money on Fairuza memorabilia, she can't afford things like your lithium, your haloperidol, your zanax ...
"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell