In real life
I was devastated to hear (on Scene/Unscene podcast) that Rowan Atkinson is a real jerk. He's completely unlike his Mr. Bean character. Has anyone met him? Is this true?
Billy the Kid
I was devastated to hear (on Scene/Unscene podcast) that Rowan Atkinson is a real jerk. He's completely unlike his Mr. Bean character. Has anyone met him? Is this true?
Billy the Kid
I don't know about him being a Jerk in real life, but I can tell you what I do know.
1. hes very private
2. he is prone to depression (was very depressed after Johnny English failed both in box office and for critics)
3. he doesnt like public appearances
4. he doesnt necessarily enjoy being famous
These things put together will make anyone seem (act?) like a Jerk. Other than that I don't really know. I hope hes a nice guy in the end though.
p.s. Mr. Bean IS a jerk! Watch them again and you'll see how he always puts his own interest etc ahead of everyone else (ex. pouring water on a boy's lap, making his mother think he wet himself just so that Mr. Bean could read the comic. And this is after Mr. Bean tried to turn back the page of the book while the boy was trying to read it)
I know a guy who met him twice.
First time he said was at Leeds UNI way back in the day, where the cast of 'Not The Nine'O Clock News' were doing a book signing. By all accounts he was a bit short with people.
Second time was in London. The same guy saw him in the street and ran across to get an autograph. The guy had nothing decent for him to write on other than a cookie box and a felt tip pen. So once Rowan tried to sign it, the felt tip wouldn't blend with the glossy cookie box which caused a bit of a problem. It also seems Rowan wasn't in a great mood to begin with.
That said! I don't think that makes him a jerk. Rowan is a highly gifted comic performer thats committed to his art. He's not a talentless celebrity waiting to be spotted by some hanger on.
We should respect that Rowan is a highly talented and serious artist who's entitled to a private life when he's not making us all laugh on stage and screen.
Yeah and i know a girl who says a family of unicorns live fairly close to her house and they're quite friendly despite being known to cheat at cards on occasion and shit yellow skittles, what's your point?
Never take the word of other people.
Even if Rowan were a jerk, he deserves the luxury to be one
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He probably isn't a jerk at all - just extremely shy and introverted from everything I've heard about him.
Even if Rowan were a jerk, he deserves the luxury to be one
2. he is prone to depression (was very depressed after Johnny English failed both in box office and for critics) That was a lie. It didn't happen, he sued the newspaper that said that and won. Johnny English also made a truckload of money. Well over $100 million.
shareThe guy is a legend. But I heard in real life he doesn't have a sense of humour and doesn't find his own work funny.
Probably not true though/
I just met him Wednesday at Oliver! He is sweet...shy but sweet.He wished me a Happy Birthday and apologized to me for not signing autographs after the matinee. I had come back after the night show to get his autograph(he can't come out in all his make-up between shows). He was really lovely and even posed for a photo with me.
"Cake?" - Sylar
Anytime someone is different than the character that he plays some people cannot handle it.
They approach and drool all over some people just because their career has set them in front of the public and are surprised and disappointed to find a REAL person with real feelings.
I am a fan of the work of Mr Atkinson's work, but I for one am also interested in what is on his mind...
I am interested in his views on censorship... which is what sparked my looking at the body of his work... and Architecture. (You are going to have to look up why. :p) I would also suggest that he evaluate the use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a way to deal with depression... it works for me. Why isn't anyone interested enough in the lives of these people who act to comment on them instead of their characters?
Before anyone calls a person who works in the theater a Jerk about wanting a life they should consider how they would feel if everyone that they came across interrupted their day, wanted to chat for a half hour begged for an autograph and maybe even became physically obnoxious as well. If I saw him on the street I might say "Good day Mr Atkinson", but I would allow the poor man the room to breathe and go about his business.
I would love to be able to express that to Mr Atkinson as well as actually find somewhere to find out what he thinks about things other than his craft.
Ian Babcock