She proves my theory

that when people get political they lose their senses of humor and become boring. And in her case become fat, haggard looking, and stupid. Letterman asked her questions about equal pay in the wartime 40's and she kept saying, "I don't know". If you're going to get on a soapbox at least know what the hell you're preaching about. Tell you what; I'll take her salary and she can have mine. That should even things out a little. What an idiot.


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Arquette, was making blanket and unsubstantiated comments and made a huge fool out of herself. Quite frankly, I feel it would be fitting, if male agents and film producers\directors, refuse to cast her for a while. Her vapid, female inequality rant, after she had been honored the industries top award—made largely possible, by a male influence in her professional life—made her appear ungrateful, for the good fortune and opportunities life had offered her.

Would she even have the b@ll$, to stand up and admit openly, that she may have been out of line, misrepresented herself, other women who may not feel the same as her, gay and black people—who shouldn't have to give up their causes, just because of her self entitlements—and that her comments could be considered 'sexist' towards men?


Quite frankly, I feel it would be fitting, if male agents and film producers\directors, refuse to cast her for a while.
That would never happen. In Hollywood, liberal causes like equal pay for women are supported by everyone, including the male agents, film directors and producers. Besides, I believe the Arquettes are powerful and respected enough that they are immune to black balling of any kind within reason.


are you a resident of Hollywood? What is this "liberal Hollywood" phase I hear all the time? Hollywood is made of regular people, many of whom trek here with the same mentality they had whence they came.
What dream world do you live in or are you just being fasicious?


There are conservative types in Hollywood. But they are out numbered and are forced to "be quiet or else".
