watching The Fall

while i really like this show ... i can't STAND gillian anderson. severely hoping she dies at the end of this series. no-one spoil it for me please if you know. i am in season 2. she is by far one of the most irritating actresses on the planet. this is all i have seen her in. i know she's supposed to be an "ice queen" so no it's not really her character that bothers me it's her, and her acting, the way she talks, and looks, and plays the character. i wish so much they cast someone different in this role. tons of talented british actresses. why her? why?


Because she's one of the most talented and acclaimed actresses around, and your third-class opinion is not going to change it.


Third class is being kind. Why some one would watch a show and hate the lead character is beyond me. Seems like a waste of time. And I really enjoyed the fact that she does not die in the end. That was my favourite bit.


actually tons of people couldn't stand her on the fall. sorry.


And tonnes of people could, sorry.


that's fine. i'm not immature enough to call their different opinions to mine "third class"


You are immature enough to go onto a message board dedicated to an actress purely to slate her and then are surprised when people are some what annoyed by it.


Having an opinion and stating it is immature? No, I think people's reactions to it, whether you agree or not is what can be mature vs. immature. I've seen many people say they dislike actors and actresses I adore on their page and I never say their opinion is dumb. I simply ignore it. I can tell you're the kind of person who the second he sees someone say anything you disagree with you feel the need to insult the person stating the opinion instead of ignoring it or discussing it. I've had discussions and debates but never said "Your opinion is third rate! Don't have opinions!" I am not a toddler.


Have a look through my posts and you will see what I say instead of making wild assumptions. Your original post was snide and bitter, so maybe you should keep your nasty opinions to yourself.
Fyi you may not be a toddler but you are a troll which is defined as One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
