Wonder how allied will do now that Brange fans are dropping like flies
Just now read 5 or so have dumped brangelina because Brad is a controlling freak who won't allow Angelina to eat or star in movies.
I suspect he was talked into doing a romantic movie by his Pr team because of his dwindling fan base. A large part of his base are older ladies who fell in love with him because of the romance movies he made early on and the new fans are fans of his relationship with Jolie but her career is down the tubes atm so she does little to help his career.
Too bad he looks so ugly in Allied and fans are dropping because they want to see Angelina on film and blame him for her being too skinny , depressed and basically having no will to live anymore. She's given up on her career and everything.
If his pr team and producers of allied think starting romantic gossip about Marion and Brad will help it won't. Fans are starting to resent him big time and I'm Loving it because I've been telling them Brad ain't *beep* and he loves anorexic women- they were fighting that reality but now are coming to my side.
#Freeangelina #FeedAngelinaFoundation
Nose jobs are cool