Judy's Popularity Continues
There are many ways to look at enduring fame. Many of Judy's videos on YouTube score in the millions of view counts. New play after play gets written about her life. Her TV series is endlessly bought and sold, repackaged and replayed in various mediums. Oz gets re-mmastered every 5 years for the latest anniversary. Rufus Wainwright keeps performing her Carneigie Hall concert.
But the latest indice of fame that I found surprised me. It is the view count for searches people make on ebay for movie celebrity photos. #1 is Marilyn Monroe by a wide margin - no surprise there. Next is Rachel Welch, clearly her sexual allure remains potent as is the same for Sophie Loren and Elizabeth Taylor who are #3 and #4. Judy is #5 ahead of Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Wood and more contemporary hotties such as Linda Carter and Cheryl Ladd.