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james dean lives!

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


Thanks for the reference. It reminds me of the commercial produced by Allan Gray, "Legend" in which Dean survived by turning to the left instead of to the right. Also, this clip also shows how ridiculously dangerous that damn intersection was.
This leads to asking why did Dean turn to the right? George Barris, the auto customizer who detailed Dean's Porsche, said he made the correct move by trying to match the direction of the other car. This is a good maneuver on a race track where everyone is going in the same direction. However, for it to work to avoid that car coming from the opposite direction and turning in front of him at considerable speed, Dean would have had to turn 135 degrees to match the speed and direction of that car. It may be that Dean's experience on the race track may have contributed to his reflexive action to try to make that race track maneuver.


i agree ive driven for a living you never go on the inside to get around someone a track and a real road two different things.the rules of the track are different he should of either stopped it would minimized damage he would of still lived or swung around to turnupspeeds left.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality
