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James Dean's Greatest Movies

The top 11 highest rated James Dean films - 1951-2015


Good news--you hit the nail on the head with Dean's top three movies.

Bad news--your order is completely wrong.

Should be, Giant, Rebel, East of Eden

*actually, my take is Dean has three good movies which one could put in any order. Giant is my favorite.


John it would have been a shocker if those three weren't at the top! :)

Giant has some great scenery and a good looking cast of actors but it's bloated and a little on the dull side, hard to believe it's from the director of Shane and Gunga Din. Plus I thought the 'older' James Dean wasn't convincing, acting and make-up.

None of Dean's three films are among my all time favorites but Rebel has the quintessential Dean performance and deserves to be at the top, even if movie-wise it isn't as professionally made as Stevens Giant.

Thanks for posting!


"it would have been a shocker if those three weren't at the top!"

I know. I was pulling your leg. I have a twisted sense of humor.

*good points about Dean's turn in Giant. Old man Jett was not convincing. I'm not certain having Jett be the bad guy to Rock's hero was all that appealing. Rock was born to a rich family while Jett came up the hard way. The movie never missed a chance to dump all the flaws of Texans onto Jett while giving Rock a pass in the end.


Good point, never thought of it that way.

When I was making the video I started thinking about the few months of stardom James Dean had while he was still alive, all taking place in 1955, interviews, photoshoots, fan adulation, critical praise and than the accident. So cruel. But his legend grew and along with Bogie and Monroe he became a major Hollywood icon.
