MovieChat Forums > Ingrid Bergman Discussion > Was she blonde or brunette?

Was she blonde or brunette?

i just watched casablanca and (due to the black and white) couldnt figure out if she was meant to be blonde or brunette. which was she??

her hair certainly looks a 'fair' kind of shade in the film, but not 'blonde' exactly.
i googled pictures of her and in some she looks an obvious blonde, others more brunette, and others the indeterminate colour she was in casablanca.


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This is her when she was 14:; amp;gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=HtyUm-6no6fGRM:&imgrefurl=http:// 405cM8b3M&w=292&h=381&ei=XuNmTpjhBMyp8QOqhZX4Cw&zoom=1 &iact=rc&dur=444&page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=119&star t=0&ndsp=38&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=76&ty=79&biw=160 0&bih=754 seems like a dirty blonde to me, by the way the light reflects on her hair.


i feel inclined to agree, id class her hair colour as 'natural blonde' (since the large majority of natural blondes are a 'dirty' shade of blonde rather than light blonde).


Funny, that's exactly why I came to the boards, only to find this one at the top. I used to think of her as Hitchcock's non-blonde, but then I saw her in Elena and Her Men, and she is very blonde:
I'm not sure if she just had dark blonde hair, and her hair was dyed for that movie, or the lighting in the other movies just made her hair look darker than it really was.


your link doesnt work properly for me, but anyhow i also feel inclined to assume that her hair was dyed (lightened) in the films where she looks more obviously blonde, and the colour in casablanca etc. is her real colour (it looks very natural).


We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.


Her hair color is the same as my daughter's, who is considered light brown/golden chestnut.

In Spanish Bergman's hair color would be castaño claro. It's considered neither blonde nor brunette, but smack in the middle. In English folks say dark blonde or dirty-blonde (and the less appealing dishwater-blonde) as well.
