Death comes in threes
89 Isn't too old though...she could have been a superoctogenarian.
" What in the Bio hazardous material is this?"
89 Isn't too old though...she could have been a superoctogenarian.
" What in the Bio hazardous material is this?"
Who was the third?
shareMarilyn Burns was the third one.
Marilyn Burns was the third one.
Marilyn Burns passed away four days ago and this is ridiculous. Do you people have any feeling or regard for others at all??
I agree that this can be seen as ridiculous with the three's stuff. I felt I was forced to explain it for the guy I replied too about who was the third one. Ofcourse I respect her passing and I do feel sad that she is gone. So in retrospect I should not had comment at all to this thread. Since I made you upset and I also respect your feelings towards to what just had happen. I'm not that type of guy who (wants to) upset people or create any other negativity/disrespectfulness, like this thread did. So, I'm truly sorry.
shareThis topic is foul, there are people, her family and friends, grieving and you make a game of it AND mess up her age.
Lauren was a fabulous dame and a great actress. But people die every day, and every one matters.
As a film historian, I would like to actually talk about Lauren (I have to remember to not write "Betty", as she always was with her friends, thus in my reading), but instead, here we go with this crap. I suggest you children go find some of her films, especially the early ones with her husband, it is a fascinating genre.
I hate this "RIP" crap (even more when some jackass writes "Rip". I say no rest, just party. You deserve it.
89 Isn't too old though...she could have been a superoctogenarian.
Oh - for the OP - SHE *WAS* AN OCTOGENARIAN!! That is one one is called in her 80s. She would have been 90 next month and ended her Octogenarian years. You were I suppose thinking about her nonagenarian years.
It only "comes in threes" if you define your time frame and criteria to make sure of your desired outcome.
I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO
No, it's actually "death comes in TREES", everyone misquotes it.
So if you're a celebrity, ALWAYS keep looking up, the reaper monkeys can strike at ANY time!
Yes, because only Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall have died on this planet in the last couple of days...
I came here knowing someone would post a 'death comes in threes' thread, so well done! Have a cookie!