Rest in Peace

Stormed onto the scene at 19, went toe to toe with icons much older and more experienced than she, and in the 70 year screen career that followed she showed her true class by sticking around as her youthful beauty faded, by surviving a bad marriage, by getting herself a Tony, and collaborations with the likes of Lumet, and Siegel, and Sirk, and Minnelli, and Huston, and Hawks. To 60 years into a career start working with directors as out there as Jonathan Glazer and Lars von Trier showed just how ballsy she was. Bacall shone at the tail end of the golden age, and outlasted many more to come, and movies will be more boring without her in them. To know we'll never hear that voice again is a sad thing, but she had one hell of a run and we're all better off for her having blessed us with her presence all this time.

