Lauren Bacall - Top 20 Highest Rated
Countdown to Lauren Bacall's greatest movies 1944-2004
Countdown to Lauren Bacall's greatest movies 1944-2004
Gosh, no love for Key Largo?
I would rate Key Largo #2 among her movies behind The Big Sleep.
Not only its position rating, but the number rating seems way off. Sleep is 9.22 and Largo something like 7.7? I would rate Key Largo within a couple of percentage points of The Big Sleep myself.
*also, I am probably standing alone on this, but I think that 9.22 is a little high for The Big Sleep. It is great in many ways, but I like a bit of logic in a mystery.
Largo I think has the better characterizations and performances, especially from Robinson and Trevor. The action scenes are flashier in The Big Sleep.
Well the attempt here was a ratings average not play favorites, the only one of my sources that gave Key Largo a good rating was Leonard Maltin.
The top two films here are the most iconic and celebrated of Lauren Bacall's films, so in my opinion their positions were set in stone.
I'd avoid Bogie's top 30 if I were you, Key Largo barely made the top 10 on there but it does fare better on Eddie G's top 30 and with a slightly higher score. My scores tend to fluctuate. :)
All right.
But here on the IMDB ratings, I notice that The Big Sleep gets 8.0,
and Key Largo gets 7.9
That is about where I would rate them.
I just don't see a huge gap in quality.
*in fairness, To Have and Have Not gets an 8.0 here on IMDB. Just doesn't get quite that high with me, despite that one famous scene.
**my second point about the huge gap between The Big Sleep and Key Largo (and also to some extent To Have and Have Not, stands. The IMDB ratings seen fairer to me for all three of these films.
Anyway I would rate Lauren Bacall's top three movies as
The Big Sleep
Key Largo
To Have and Have Not
as for her personal performance, To Have and Have Not comes first.
Looking at Cogerson's Lauren Bacall page, our ratings differ, Key Largo is no.2 on his critics chart, Big Sleep is no.1 and Key Largo no.3 on the UMR chart, To Have and Have Not tops that chart.
Key Largo is a top 10 movie on all these actors charts, that's something to cheer about isn't it?
Cogerson's UMR chart is impacted by box-office, and the box office during WWII seems to have been more robust than after the war. The reasons for that might be interesting, but soldiers possibly did not have many alternatives to seeing a movie.
His critics chart for Bacall is how I see it.
*one point--any individual critic can have biases about movies. I don't know how you or Cogerson come up with what critics think, as there are so many critics,
but that is beside the point.
Anyway, disagreements is what makes horse races and keep up the good work.
"Key Largo is a top 10 movie on all these actors charts"
Should be. I would expect it to rate lower on the charts for Bogart and Robinson as I think they made considerably more top movies than Bacall did.