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Help me find the name of this movie

I watched this movie some years back, but can't recall the title. In the movie, the main character is from the military. I can't really what exactly happens, but I guess some people destroy his house or kill his family. So, he decides to take revenge. He goes on a rampant revenging. His superior from the army comes for him, but he refuses to go back and says he still has business to do. The superior understands that no matter what, the guy won't go back until he is done with the revenge, so he gives him 3 days to clear his shit and come back. I also remember a certain scene shot in a boardroom. The local state police and I guess fbi investigating the issue have been called to the meeting. |One of the guy, I think the fbi guy, tries to show his power and how he can't be intimidated..and arrogantly asks the 'guy addressing the meeting' who he is. The guy addressing them replies that he is the one who ensures him and every other person in the county is safe every second of their lives. He then tells them that no one is to touch the military guy. I guess they threaten to bring military to the town is the miltary guy is touched. So, the soldier boy is left to revenge and then go back to them military. That's all I can remember.


try here:
or at:

also provide an era, it might help to narrow it down


Thanks a lot, will try that.


Was it Shooter (2007) with Marky Mark?


Thanks, but unfortunately it's not. But I love shooter...I have watched it twice, and have also watched its TV series too. Their premise is actually a bit close seeing that both involve military people, and a premise of revenge. The Punisher (2003) and The Marine (2006) also have a somewhat similar premise. I have two scenes that are completely unique to the movie am looking for compared to these other movies with similar premise. The first one is the boardroom scene, where two officers (I guess FBI or local police) are called in for a meeting. There are other people in the meeting, all suits and serious faces. Then, enters a guy with an authoritative demeanor and deep voice. When he starts speaking, one of the officers arrogantly says they haven't introduced themselves, and he introduces himself. Then, the figure with the authoritative figure tells him that he is the one who makes sure that the officer and every other American is safe every second of their lives. So that is one very unique scene in this movie. Another scene is where the military guy who is revenging is traveling, I guess on a bus or train. His senior military officer meets him in the vehicle/train and asks him to come back. He refuses and says that he still has some business to finish. The senior officer tells him he has X hours to clear his shit and come back. So that is the second scene which is very unique to this movie. Do you have any more movie suggestions based on those two scenes?
