MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Pi or Tau? Which should be recognized mo...

Pi or Tau? Which should be recognized more?

Background: You may have heard about the number Pi (or approximately 3.14159....) and its importance in mathematics (its the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.) It has such great mathematical importance that it even has it's own day in the U.S. (March 14th or 3/14.) However, there are people who argue that Tau, or twice Pi (or approximately 6.28...) is actually more important than Pi. There are some who celebrate Tau Day on June 28th (6/28.)

Why would some consider Tau more important? Let's look at some mathematical formulae:

r = radius
d = diameter
x*y = x multiplied by y
x^y = x raised to the power of y, or x multiplied by itself y times
e = 2.718....(Natural Exponential Function Base)
i = square root of -1


Circumference = Pi*d = 2*pi*r = Tau*r

Area = Pi*r^2 = (Tau/2)*r^2


Surface Area = 4*Pi*r^2 = 2*Tau*r^2

Volume = (4/3)*Pi*r^3 = (2/3)*Tau*r^3

Common Angles:

30 degrees = Pi/6 radians = Tau/12 radians
45 degrees = Pi/4 radians = Tau/8 radians
60 degrees = Pi/3 radians = Tau/6 radians
90 degrees = Pi/2 radians = Tau/4 radians
180 degrees = Pi radians = Tau/2 radians
360 degrees = 2*Pi radians = Tau radians

Euler's Identity:

e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0

e^(i*Tau) - 1 = 0

Well, looking at the formulae, Tau appears in all of them and makes some calculations easier, especially the circumference of a circle and some of the common angles seem a little more intuitive. So I can see why some people would consider Tau more important. However, I still stick with Pi for traditional reasons I guess.




What's that supposed to be? There's no image.


It's a picture of T'Pau. Sorry Alien, I'm too tired right now to tackle your Pi Tau dilemma.


It's fine.


You know who's T'Pau, right? Spock's mother. 🤣


Dammit, gotta watch more Star Trek!


Well, I hope you got my pun. Tau x Pi = T'Pau
