Favorite Movies By Great Directors
Orson Welles / Favourite Films
The Baker's Wife (1938) Marcel Pagnol, Battleship Potemkin (1925) Sergei Eisenstein, The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) William Wyler, Bicycle Thieves (1948) Vittorio De Sica, City Lights (1931) Charles Chaplin, La Grande illusion (1937) Jean Renoir, Greed (1924) Erich von Stroheim, Intolerance (1916) D.W. Griffith, Nanook of the North (1922) Robert J. Flaherty, Ninotchka (1939) Ernst Lubitsch, Shoeshine (1946) Vittorio De Sica, Stagecoach (1939) John Ford.
Source: Cinematheque Belgique (1952)