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What did you witches watch this week? (10/06-10/12)

My week:

Truth or dare (2017 Netflix): I hated it. 2/10

Clue (1985 DVD): First half was okay, second half was better. I’m glad I bought it just to have the three ending versions: Version 1 (Miss Scarlet): 6.5 Version 2 (Miss Peacock): 6.5 Version 3 (all of them): 7/10

Fright night (2012 Bku-ray): I enjoyed the cast. I loved the sunny neighborhood. I loved the story. The teenagers shenanigans. The light humour was good too but it never became a parody so that’s cool. The special effects were dope and overall, this is now amongst my top vampire movies. Admittedly, I do have a good dozen of them on my top list. I’m really not a Colin Farrell fan., like I could never say oh yeah, he was really good in that movie! Well, now I can this is the movie he’s good in, to me. Colette was in top form too. Absolutely loved her here. My rating: 8/10

Resident evil (2002 DVD): I hadn’t seen this movie since it came out and I think it still look pretty great and I’m not talking about Mills Jakovich. The decors , the camera work, the slow motions, the special effects and the Gore, all still very good if you ask me. even the soundtrack worked for me. I really dig the overall vibe of the movie. Quite atmospheric and filled with cool scenes. I’m totally aware that I’m not a very demanding movie lover, but I don’t see how anyone enjoying the zombie genre could not appreciate this little gem . Another thing is the fact that it starts with a bang and doesn’t let up for its entire length, it’s really action packed, and I appreciate that from it. Kowalski mentioned three things about fans of this flick: the nostalgia factor: that I totally agree with. Having played the video game: I did but I was not a big fan of them . And finally, fans of Milla. That I am! She might be the most beautiful and at the same time the most badass actress of all time. When she shoots all those dogs and then roundhouse kick the last one in the face., that was pure gold. It was a total blast and I was stoked to finally see it again. 7.5/10

Rabid (1977 Tubi): This movie worked well for me. I enjoyed the atmospheric and creepy tone of it all. The music with the themed piano track, the madness of the story, the lead actress. Maybe not Milla but she was hot and did a good job, especially considering she was a porn star. It was unique, that’s fire sure… an armpit vagina with a deadly phallic stinger, i mean, who else could come up with that other than my fellow Canadian prolific director. Not a lot of names come up to mind… Good movie, looked very nice for the 70’s too..Only negative comment is I thought it lost some wind in the last 10 mins but that’s a very minor detail. My rating: 7/10

Stake land II (2016 Tubi): Fine for what it was, a bit too cheesy at times. Liked it just a bit less than the first. 5.5/10


I want to suck your blood! (isn't that what witches say?)

Clue 6/10
Fright Night 7/10
Resident evil 6/10
Rabid 7/10
Stake land II 5/10

I watched:

The Curse of the Necklace 2024 6/10 This is a fairly average horror movie with a generic screenplay, but is redeemed by the actors. Two of the most promising and talented young horror stars, sisters Madeleine and Violet McGraw, elevate this mediocre film with engaging and interesting performances. It's worth watching for them.

Autumn at Apple Hill 2024 6/10 This was an average Hallmark film. Worth a watch once, but nothing memorable or distinctive.

The Town Without Halloween 2024 6/10 Some of the performances were stilted and the writing was mediocre, but there are some amusing moments. It has a certain charm to it that feels like a low budget, amateur remix of Gremlins, Goonies, and Goosebumps.

Autumn and the Black Jaguar 2024 6/10 I thought Lumi Pollack was quite charming and wonderful in the film. The story is just alright. This is a pleasant enough family film. Worth a watch.

Ellis in Freedomland 1952 6/10 This is like an all star, feature length commercial. It's kind of fun to hear big name stars of that time playing appliances. There is some amusing dialogue. A really unusual film unlike anything I have ever seen. Worth checking out for the unusualness of it all.

House of Spoils 2024 5/10 This isn't really a horror movie. As a slow burn, atmospheric drama about the pressures of being a chef, it almost works. A couple good moments, but it never really comes together in an effective way and doesn't quite stick the landing.



Anastasia: Once Upon a Time 2020 7/10 This is bad, but I like it. The story is questionable at best, but it is not intended to be historically accurate or taken seriously. This is an intentionally silly movie. It has an unusal and interesting cast and I really liked the two main girls. They were quite charming and lovely. I liked the costumes too. The score was pretty bad though. In spite of its flaws and potentally problematic plotline, I had fun with this.

Begin Again 2013 7/10 This was pretty good, but I actually think this is John Carney's weakest film. It's a reasonably effective and enjoyable drama, but I don't consider it a musical.

Tommy 1975 9/10 This is a fantastic, big, bombastic rock musical that tells its story in an energetic and engaging way.

The Smiling Lieutenant 1931 6/10 The acting is fine and the film looks good, but the story isn't very interesting.

Mr. Crocket 2024 8/10 This was fun. Elvis Nolasco is delightfully maniacal as the title character, a cross between Mr Rogers and Freddy Krueger. An enetertaining and satsifying horror film.

Saturday Night 2024 8/10 This is well edited, fast paced, with good performances from a wonderful ensemble. It doesn't make my top 10 of the year, but I think it has a shot at a few Oscar nominations.

Lonely Planet 2024 6/10 This is a fairly standard and generic Netflix romance. It's not bad, but it feels very made for tv/direct to streaming. Performances are fine. The story is predictable, but otherwise alright.

Canon City 1948 6/10 This was alright, but somewhat forgettable. I thought there was too much narration and not enough noir elements.

Fright Night 2011 7/10 This is an entertaining and fun remake that also works well on its own merits. Good performances from the cast.

Stakeland II 2016 5/10 This wasn't very interesting and I couldn't care about the characters or story.



Resident Evil 2002 6/10 I'm bumping my rating down from a 7/10 to a 6/10 on rewatch. This is fairly generic and just an average action/horror movie. Performances are fine for this type of film. There are a couple good moments, but I found it dragged at times.

Rabid 1977 7/10 Well acted and engaging, but still one of Cronenberg's weaker films.


I haven’t seen any of your princess movies. Weird…


Hey, only one of the movies I watched was a princess movie and it had time travel in it! I watched horror, musical, comedy, and romance movies this week.


Just pulling your leg my brother.


I know. I like it when you pull on my leg.


This was a bad week. So I watched a few stupid movies night to reset. It helped:

Shriek If you know what I did last Friday the 13th. - 2/10. It has a few laughs but Scary movie was the better option. The early 2000's had some ideas but a lot of poor execution

Transilmania- 3.5/10- hot chicks, bad accents, stupid jokes, and a few laughs. Take a teen sex comedy, hire 30 year olds to play the actors, and watch the jokes hit the fan.

The Stupids- 1/10. I turned it off. It may be funny but I didn't have the patience. 25 minutes of my life lost to that.

Undead - 4/10. The humor was fine but I didn't have patience for the movie.

Sunday the 13th-

Terrifier 3- 7/10. The humor landed. The gore didn't disappoint. The final Girl is relatable. The pacing was better than 1 and 2. The plot is shallow.

Fright Night (2011) - 6.5/10. For a remake, this is good. I like the cast. I don't like all the updates. Some scenes were checkbox scenes to hit the references. But, it is a solid remake. I still don't get the David Tennant Fandom though. Seriously, I don't care about Dr. Who so if this movie is anything to judge by, he was okay. But, bill Nighy would have been a better choice.

Ghosts of Mars- 4.5/10. There is so much wrong in this. It felt amateurish. The acting was bad. The pacing sucked. And... I like it for some odd reason. It makes no sense because it looks like an early 90's GI Joe toy commercial with neon green plastic parts. What a wierd movie.


I think I’ve seen your first one but don’t really remember it.

I’m looking forward to Terrifier 3.


I really liked it terrifier 3. Some don't but that's their problem.

As for Shriek, ... meh.


Of yours:

Clue - 8/10
Fright Night - 7/10
Resident Evil - 7.5/10

My week:

The Boys Season 4 - An absolute mess. Antony Starr is excellent as Homelander but the story has become so dam repetitive, it's annoying. 6/10

Black Mirror Season 3 to 5 - I kinda fell off the show & never watched the Netflix era of the show. And I gotta say, it's honestly a mixed bag. Some really great episodes but genuinely surprised how many episodes were a dud.

Deadpool & Wolverine - Had a fun time at the theater but didn't quite enjoy it as much on my rewatch. Not bad, just fine. Better than a lot of things post Endgame though.

Might be in the minority here but I found Deadpool so damn annoying. Might have to do with the fact that I've reached peak Ryan Reynolds. And he does that sarcastic, smart ass shtick in every freaking project. It was funny at first but it annoys the heck outta me nowadays.

Wolverine was excellent though & loved Blade. 7.5/10


Black mirror: I’m pretty sure I liked this more than you did. I’d give an overall of 8/10


I watched:

C'est arrivé près de chez vous (1992 VHS) 9/10

Terrifier 3 (2024 Torrent) 6/10

Living in Oblivion (1995 VHS) 7.5/10


Wow, faut vraiment que je vois C'est arrivé près de chez vous!

Ajouté à ma liste.




I don’t know what’s crazier, the mass killing or his mouth when he talks. 😂


I'm curious. Already watched C'est arrivé près de chez vous, by any chance?


Funny you asked, I had planned for it to be my next watch but there was a little mix-up with the movieclub and now I must hurry to watch Diary of the dead instead. I should be able to watch it beginning of next week and will be sure to let you know how I felt about it.


All right. I'm sure you'll like it :)



-Love, Cheat & Steal (1993)
I guess it's technically competently made and looks slightly better than the average TV movie. But half-way, the movie didn't really know where to go anymore. It was also ridiculous to ask us to have sympathy for the characters of John Lithgow, who was miscast, and Mädchen Amick, who gave a lousy performance. The best part was probably Eric Roberts.

TV shows

-Dynasty - marathon

-The Cosby Show - marathon


I bought a movie accidentally that resemble the stuff you watch lately; it’s called Deadly isolation:

I thought it was the 2005 movie Isolation.


Lol, it's a Lifetime movie and it looks like total shit!😆


"it's what's inside"

Very cool mystery flick
