Rate this song on scale of 1-10.
--Michael D. Clarke
--Michael D. Clarke
Այ երգերի ներքո ինչքա՞ն են պարել ու ուրախացե1980թ.ու հիմա էլ լսում ու հիշում մեր սիրելի ժամանակները
7/10 🤣
7/10 I like it, but his performance turns it into a novelty song, which it isn't. Grace Jones he ain't. Looking the song up, it was very successful in Europe, but not in the US. The name Boney M. is vaguely familiar, but only because I think someone posted something by this group once before. I generally like disco and think this would be much better with a different lead performer. He's a joke.
shareA fatherly 7/10.
shareDisco sucks, however they do not. 8/10
share10/10.. It was Excellent and an Era we'll never see again
6. The music is good, there really aren't any lyrics. And his performance is just ridiculous.