MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Questions for everyone - Who was the voi...

Questions for everyone - Who was the voice of your generation? Were the stars of your generation pushed on you??

I answered a post earlier today regarding why stars are pushed on us, and why some were called the voice of a generation.

One didn't have an answer because I really don't know. It got me thinking though - who were the stars of my generation? Were they pushed on me? Who was the voice of my generation?

Well, Ive been thinking about it today. I'm GENX. I suppose one could say the voice of my generation was

Kurt Cobain

It seems history has dictated this. However, although Nirvana was extremely popular, it wasn't like we were analyzing Kurt's lyrics. He and his lifestyle had no influence on anything myself or my contemporaries were doing.

The biggest female star was Meryl Streep. The biggest male star was Jack Nicholson. The biggest comedian was Eddie Murphy. As I recall, these 3 simply rose to the top. One doesn't recall any of them being pushed into stardom. They just happened to be the best at that time.

I'm curious as to how others feel about this, particularly non GENx's. Baby Boomers out there - did you have a voice of your generation? Were the stars of the day pushed on you? How about Millennials, or GENZ - whatever it's called - what is your take???

One would love to hear responses from everyone.


I don't think we actually had a voice for our generation. Gen X was the generation that was the secon heavily influenced by corporations. Boomers being the predominant.

Our heroes, movies, music, and news was an ad campaign for perpetual consumption.

Now everyone is a subscription junkie who owns less now that physical media has been deemed unnecessary.
