

I must say I love most of those movies.

I could not really get into The Matrix though, I was really not a fan but obviously I’m in the minority on this one. I just thought it was shit and the sequels were even worse.

I’m a big Keanu fan but fuck those movies.


I like 'The Matrix' a little, but I don't LOVE it like some people do; it's just ok.

Chris Nolan movies, in general, I don't really like that much. I can't say they suck or anything, but I certainly don't love them the way most people do.


The Departed
Top Gun
Coming to America
This Island
Most super hero movies
Star Wars
The Dark Knight
Deadpool and Wolverine


Damn I haven't seen Its a Wonder Life or Full Metal Jacket yet but ever single one you mentioned other than that I absolutely LOVE


All of those except The Matrix.


There Will Be Blood (2007)
I know I'm supposed to love it and it's Daniel Day-Lewis, who is amazing, but I just don't get it. It was boring. Maybe I was just in shitty mood when I watched it.
