MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do deaf people never go anywhere?

Do deaf people never go anywhere?

Cuz I haven't seen one deaf person in real life for my entire life. I know that deaf people are out there. But like where though? They aren't grocery shopping. They aren't clothes shopping. They're not at the parks.

I've seen blind people. No deaf people though.

Have you ever met a deaf person before?


Sounds like you might be blind to deaf people.


I will remain mute on the topic.


If you two went on the road with your routine, I would buy a ticket.


I second! šŸ˜‚

And BTW, YOU need to bring your ass over to MovieChat MovieClub. Youā€™d bring a good dose of humour yourself Iā€™m sure.


Coincidentally, a deaf dumb woman asked me for directions the other day by showing me a map and gesturing her question.

My brother-in-law's parents are both deaf and have been since birth.


BTW, using ā€œdeaf dumbā€ is very offensive. They arenā€™t dumb.That terminology left the building decades ago. A relic from the medieval English era. Does Helen Keller ring a bell?


Everyone knows it didn't mean "stupid". Context is everything. Give me another word for it.


I knew what you meant, but perhaps a more less offensive word would be mute?


I agree. I think it was a bad word for it. But in the days of my bro-in-law's parents it was not considered a putdown.


Perhaps they have hearing aids that are small enough to where you can't tell they're deaf?? The wonders of Technology you know?? šŸ¤”




At a restaurant, sat next to a table of deaf people one time, they were loud as fuck. It was the constant banging on the table that was the really annoying part.


Really. I would like to see more deaf people in my community. They shouldn't have to hide from the world.


Agreed. Think we should make them wear a sign around their neck, or maybe they could carry a bell that they ring at regular intervals?


You're rude. One day you will experience a disability. Maybe then you will think back on this day when you said awful things to Tina about deaf people.


In that situation, and I think you would agree, if this were an ideal society I'd be put to work in the mines. I'd be too tired to think about old conversations with "Tina".


How would you know who is deaf and who is not?


Sign language?? Speaking of which, one of my favorite episodes of SEINFELD, specifically SEASON 5 titled "The LIP READER" šŸ˜‚




I've known many. And met MANY more.


Are you a teacher at a school for the deaf?


Not at all. Just people I encounter.
