MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the longest you've ever been stuc...

What's the longest you've ever been stuck in traffic?

Either as a driver or passenger.

As a passenger, about hour. It was raining quite heavily, so the cars just stopped.

As a driver, Around 4-5 hours. Almost a decade ago. There was an accident involving those big ass trucks. Thankfully, no one was hurt badly.

But man oh man, that ordeal sucked.


There was a blizzard 4 years ago like January 3rd. I was about to go to work and my wife said you know there is going to be 15 inches of snow? I called out. Next day I found out people were stuck on the interstate over 20 hours. It was on national news. I dodged a bullet that day.

Signed, million man


Jesus! Dodged a bullet is an understatement.

I hate traffic with a passion. I don't think I could've "survived" a 20hr one.


In a car - a couple of hours on several occasions.
At an airport - a day or so once or twice.


Some relatives of mine got stuck in Dubai Airport during the recent floods.

Got stranded there for almost 3 days.


Yes, we’ve heard similar from a few friends too. Because of the lack of drainage there, everything was flooded.


Ya. That's what you get for building a concrete city in the middle of the freaking desert.

Their sewage system is shit.


To be fair, they did get a gazillion inches of rain in a day*

*This figure has not been ratified.


Ya, that's true but these destructive rains have been exposing shitty drainge systems around the globe.

My friends over in the East Africa region have been sending my pics/vids on how just poorly maintained the whole drainage system is.

Even in the damn capital.


Hurrah for decent drainage 🎈


The LA freeway commute can be horrific some days. Probably 2 hours.


I don't know why Americans & Canadians seems to dislike trains so much. We barely have any.

I don't envy Europeans that much but I do absolutely loooove their rail system.

Love going there for vacation.


In Los Angeles everything is spread out so you need a car.


Are the lanes at least wide?

Cause here, shit is narrow af & infuriating being stuck in front of slow drivers


LA is centered around freeways so they're deluxe.



Many years ago I was driving from St. Louis to Springfield, MO. The drive normally took about 3 hours but that day an 18-wheeler plowed into a motor home killing a family of 4 instantly. I was stuck in traffic for about 4 hours or so because the police closed down the interstate to investigate the accident. That was a very long day and I felt sad for the family that was killed.



I hate trucks. Mostly fear. Especially the ones that carry those big ass containers.

Cause one of my biggest fears is one of 'em falling on me/my car.


A couple of hours at least. Similar situation....semi wrecked on a narrow two-lane road and it just took them forever to clear it. It's a frustrating situation to be in.


3 hours during a snowstorm.


1 1/2 hours. It was a snow storm in Massachusetts. I was following the other cars doing 10 miles an hour. The trip normally took 20 minutes.
