MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Interesting finding in dementia study (H...

Interesting finding in dementia study (

The study looked at risk factors for getting early dementia (before65).
#7 was alcohol use disorder
#8 was no alcohol use (abstinence)

Which again proves the adage-- moderation (not abstinence!) In all things.


Did it say how not consuming alcohol was harmful?


No. I would assume it is correlated with some of the other factors, like social isolation, depression, stroke and heart disease.


I really don't see how not drinking can lead to any of those things. Social isolation? Find friends who also don't need to drink. Depression? If not drinking makes a person depressed, they have bigger issues. Stroke and heart disease are caused by many factors. Again, I don't think not drinking causes them.


It said alcohol use disorder.
This implies that alcohol will make you live longer.
If there is a correlation I think it must be a small one.


The list:
Social isolation
Lower formal education
Lower socioeconomic status
Carrying two copies of the APOE gene (a marker that influences Alzheimer’s risk)
Vitamin D deficiency
Hearing impairment
Alcohol use disorder
No alcohol use (abstinence)
High C-reactive protein levels
Lower handgrip strength (physical frailty)
Orthostatic hypotension (a form of low blood pressure)
Heart disease

The article:

Looks like a grab bag of everything to me - what's missing? Greasy farts and hiccups?


sometimes I have farts that sound like foghorn. a butt shouldnt be that loud....


Reminds me of that joke, what is a fart - the lonely cry of an imprisoned turd.



Sounds like I'm home free then!

About twenty years of alcohol abuse, followed by nearly twenty years of abstinence,,, I average out as a moderate drinker!


I think alcohol use is a net negative.

The party line used to be that moderate alcohol
consumption was relaxing on a stress and psychological
level, but the recent studies seem to be pretty clear that
any alcohol usage is not good. But the liquor industry in
this country is a massive money maker, so that is going
to just be ignored.

Huffpost rarely gets anything right.

I don't mind some beer with pizza or pina colada to socialize
in a bar, or a glass of wine with a good meal but I've never
been a big alcohol enthusiast.

I think that still if I totalled up all the drinking I've done
in my life that I did more drinking before college days than
in all the years since.

Cannabis is another story.
