MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Bla...

The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Anyone else planning to watch?

Discussion here:

For those unfamiliar, Gypsy-Rose is a survivor of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. She was actually just released from prison for her part in murdering her abusive mother. Lifetime filmed a 6 part docuseries where she tells her side of the story airing January 5, 6, and 7.


Why does she get one second of air time?

Children are getting smoked with US support as we speak and the corporate media is in love with someone who helped murder their mother?



Children are getting smoked with US support as we speak ...

This 100%. There's a fucking genocide going on in Gaza right now and our government supports it.





No. I feel some sympathy for how her mother treated her, but she's clearly a manipulative person herself who enjoys the attention she gets. She also deserved to spend more time in prison.
