MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anything agree that Taylor Swift is...

Does anything agree that Taylor Swift is overrated?

The media and producers of award shows are desperate for money and ratings so they use her for views. But she’s everywhere to the point where’s she’s unlikeable




I'm personally not a fan of her music but she writes songs, has a very nice voice and she's really quite pretty.
Plus, she's earned a boatload of money by working hard. I admire that. I don't think she's overrated at all, the Lady is a boss level earner.


Agreed, I'm not a fan but she isn't terrible or offensive, she's put in some stable hard work over the long term, so I don't mind if she's popular. If her fans are having a good time, great!

And if anyone dislikes her, keep in mind that she's finally reached the level of success, where she has no place to go but down.


Being from Kansas City I'm actually rooting for her and Travis Kelce if it ends up being a real relationship. Seeing her at Chiefs games I think its kind of cool to see celebrities in a way that shows them as real people. With that said I think its dumb women follow her every move and worship her to the point of acting like she's god like.


This football thing is annoying. Waving and cooing in the stands, so corny. They just seem like the youthful heirs to the Tom/Gisele throne of fame. That didn’t end well. Plus I’m never sure if any of her romances are real or just publicity stunts or fodder for her next song lyrics.


I agree. People turn to the sports channel and go to the game to watch FOOTBALL, not to see and hear Taylor be glorified and talked about. If she wants to be there, that’s fine! But she should be seen and not heard. This isn’t one of her concerts.




Most pop stars are overated. Their music has to have mass appeal, so creatively it is usually average at best. I doubt even the Beatles would have had as much mainstream success if they only released the more artistically complex songs from their later albums. It was their early dance and love jams that gave them top 40 fame.




I'd like to see hear someone ask her something important.

I mean, we get to hear X celebrity say this or that.

How about someone ask her thoughts on, I dunno, recent UN resolutions that got vetoed by one country.

I mean, why can't we have bread, circuses and Taylor's thoughts?

Harvard is running a course on her - she is obviously worthy of listening to.
Google that to wipe out any respect you might still had for that place.


Let the kids have their music.

In 3 years it will be another person plastered everywhere.


Yes, 100%.
