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What did you cornlover watch this week? (05/11-12/11)

We all love corn, let’s admit it. But that’s not why we’re here. We also love movies!!

My week:

Pyewacket (2017 TV): A slow-burn that takes all the time it needs to pull you in its mother-daughter drama story only to become gradually more unsettling and unnerving . I think it is important for serious movies like this to have you care because as someone once said, if you don’t care you don’t scare. I scared. A few minor things bothered me, like the CGI fire and although not as good as Ginger snaps, this is another solid Canadian horror flick. My rating: 7/10

Leprechaun 3 (1995 Tubi): I decided to watch all Leprechaun movies but why start with this one you ask? Well, because it’s the only one I remember seeing back in the days and because it also falls under my “Quest to watch all movies released in 1995”. That being said, I really have one true complaint about this flick; the Leprechaun‘s rhyming of every sentence became quickly old to a point where it stepped on my nerves. As a rapper, I always try to find clever words for rhymes but this is so basic, easy and redundant. “They stole my shilling so I have to do some killing!” otherwise, I liked it. My rating: 6/10

M3gan (2022 Prime): I’m sorry y’all but this doll is a hottie. Barbie can go back in her box. I wish there was a M3gan fan page I could subscribe to but I couldn’t find one. Anyways, she was sexy, especially right after getting mauled by a dog. The relationship between the aunt and the kid was a bit too cold and dramatic but I had fun with the movie. My rating: 7/10

Witchboard (Friday night special): This was better than I thought it would be. I mean, it is a very good 80’s ghost story movie. Extra butter on my popcorn please. My rating: 6.5/10

Victor Crowley (Friday late night special): Absolutely enjoyed the gore and the moments I could spend with Victor “Howling” Crowley but the story was a pale carbon copy of shit that we’ve seen before. It kind of pisses me off because I didn’t want to rate it lower than 7; the rating I gave the first 3 movies but I don’t really have the choice…. It really wasn’t as much fun. Actually I’m not pissed because I did laugh a few times, the kills were cool and the DVD cover looks cool. My rating: 6.5/10

Chained (Saturday night special): I usually enjoy D’Onofrio and I think he was good here as usual. I will admit this movie wasn’t good for a MCMC pick but I personally thought it wasn’t a bad film. I really enjoyed the scenes with the cab car as they were beautifully shot and were in great contrast with the dark, sinister and claustrophobic scenes which were the majority of the film. As for the twist, I didn’t mind it at all although it did come a bit too late. I wished they had spent less time in the house and more time on the captive’s adaptation in the outside world. My rating: 6/10

Ice cream man (Saturday late night special): Not nearly as fun, funny, gory or crazy enough to live up to its title and promising premise. I don’t think it normal that Witchboard made me laugh more. Still enjoyable on some level. It definitely falls in the category “so bad it’s kind of good”. My rating: 5/10

My Rating System:
10: Perfect/Favourite 

9.5: Near perfect Masterpiece
9: Absolutely Outstanding
8.5: Most Excellent

8: Great

7.5: Very good
7: Good 

6.5: Pretty good

6: Fine

5.5: Average

5: Below average
4.5: Mediocre
4: Bad
3: Very bad
2: Pure rubbish

1: Dreadfully Abysmal and insulting/Not even worth watching


Ha, first reply! I bet you didn't expect that!😉


-Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park (1978)
This movie is utterly ridiculous and hideous. Once Kiss shows up all logic goes out of the window. Maybe an idea for MovieClub?

-Perry Mason: The Case of the Scandalous Scoundrel (1987)

TV shows

-The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - marathon
The end of season 3, so I stop right here. I never liked the second aunt Vivian or the new baby and I already noticed the humour and characters were changing for the worse.

-Neighbours - marathon

-Psych - marathon


😱 😱 😱


I know, sometimes I amaze even myself!



Pyewacket 7/10

My week...Hallmark Christmas movies galoreChristmas by Design 2023

Christmas by Design (2023) 5/10
Paint by numbers movie. I had issues with the lead character. She just wasn't all that likeable. I have no issues with the actress, just the character. Also didn't find much chemistry between Spencer and Charlotte. I didn't hate it, but it won't be making the rewatch list.

Mystic Christmas (2023) 6/10
My main issue with this one, is simply that I found it boring in a few places. Liked the characters, liked the chemistry, liked the setting, and Peppermint, but I just wasn't super interested or invested in the story.

The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari (2022) 7/10
I find it really difficult to review documentaries. I did like the balance of this one, and it was really sad to watch the footage from the survivors. I'm glad that there was a focus the helicopter pilots who risked so much helping out.

Flipping for Christmas (2023) 5.5/10
Hallmark is not winning me over this year. I like the cast, but these characters were annoying. The story was typical, and really not much flipping. Maybe I just don't have the Christmas spirit this year?

Blood Quantum (2019) 7.5/10
Put off watching this Canadian zombie film for awhile as I'm not really huge into the Zombie genre, but I'm glad I watched it. It was different, and the gore was really good. Some of the decisions made were very annoying, but over all I thought that the story was much more about family than zombies and I really appreciated that. It's a shame that Jeff Barnaby is no longer with us as I would have loved to see more feature films from him.

Joyeux Noel (2023) 7.5/10
Finally Hallmark made a 2023 Christmas movie that I want to put on my rewatch list. I think my only complaint is that Jaicy Elliot's character is a "journalist" again. Okay, I know she's not a journalist yet it this, but close enough. I really like her, and I like Brant Daugherty, and I enjoyed seeing them together. While it certainly felt Hallmarky it wasn't quite as paint by number as other offerings. I'm finally pleased with one this year.

Christmas Next Door (2017) 5.75/10
I'm finding it so funny that last year I wrote a review that said that I didn't think that I'd seen this before and then when Fiona Gubelmann started playing the violin I remembered that it was such a bad fake that yeah, I had seen it. So this year...same thing....didn't remember it, didn't come here to see if I'd logged it, because why would I do that?? and the second I saw her, I was like, Oh yeah!! The really horrible fake violinist, and the stupid not sound proofed houses that aren't even next door yet they can hear everything....Ugh. Still not the worst movie I've seen this (or rewatched) this year.

A Royal Christmas Crush (2023) 4/10
This was rough. While I don't think that either Katie Cassidy, or Stephen Huszar are the greatest actors out there, I have enjoyed watching them in the past. They were so painful as a couple here. Stephen's accent was pretty bad. There were a few outdoor scenes when I could see the breath in the cold, so that was a bonus. The plot was a rehash of better royal Hallmark stories. Changing the setting to an ice hotel didn't save this one.

Never Been Chris’d (2023) 7/10
It's sad when some of your favourites from Hallmark Christmas's past star in a movie that is less than stellar. Tyler Hynes has been in some of my favourites. I guess they can't all be winners. All this complaining aside, there were things that I liked about this. There was a lot to the story above the simple will they/won't they get together plot line. It's about friendship, and codependency, family dynamics, and trying to figure out who they are. So yeah, not horrible. I just think that they could have done so much more with this one. It is much better when it focuses on the girls and their storyline. Again, Tyler Hynes is a favourite, and I've really liked Janel Parrish in other movies I've seen her in, especially Holly & Ivy so that helped with my enjoyment. I probably will watch this one again.

The Santa Summit (2023) 8/10
I was losing hope this year, but I liked this one. Not a typical storyline, and I liked the characters. Not really focused on the romance. I thought it was fun and will be adding to my rewatch list for sure.

Witchboard (1986) 6/10
It took me waaay too long to recognize Patch from Days of Our Lives. Silly 80s movie that was probably more fun than it should have been by having a watch party with it.

Victor Crowley (2017) 6/10
Watched this again as part of a watch party. Probably still my least favourite of the bunch. There's some good gore. It was suggested that Adam Green is trolling us and these movies all sequels to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island. I can go with that. Kept my rating as a 6 instead of dropping it to a 5.5. So thanks friend.


Miss Austen Regrets (2008) 8/10
There were a lot of things here I really liked. Oliva Williams' portrayal of Jane was great. Beautifully shot, and it had a heart. I've really got nothing to complain about. Also love seeing Phyllida Law.

Chained (2012) 6/10
Super torn on how to rate this as I usually rate movies strictly on my enjoyment of them. I hated this movie. With a passion. But.... I cannot ignore the suspense, and the brilliant acting by Vincent D'Onofrio. I am usually a fan of brutality in movies, but I just wasn't feeling this today. I also didn't like the ending.

Ice Cream Man (1995) 5/10
It's silly, but still enjoyable. Great cast, and the child actors were pretty decent. I mean we can ignore the pillow shoved in the sweater, can't we?

Also rewatched Write Before Christmas (2019) 7/10


To add...

...although I really didn't like Chained because of the subject matter, I don't think it was a bad pick for MCMC. I like that we are watching a variety of movies. I don't think they all need to a certain type. I'm glad I watched it with you all so that I had someone to talk to about it while watching. I probably wouldn't have finished it if I were on my own. I'm actually glad I watched it.


Oh that reassured me. Thank you so much for saying it.

Only one of yours is Blood quantum: 6.5/10. Actually, here is my review:

This is a zombie Canadian flick, shot in Quebec and involving Micmacs so I bought it without any hesitation. There are some short animated vignettes within the film that were really cool to look at, the violence was bloody indeed and the movie looked good for its budget but the cast was mediocre and the script was rather weak. I think Brian Tallerico from said it well:
“I found myself admiring Barnaby’s editing and production skills—“Blood Quantum” looks great—but he’s not quite yet there in directing performances or writing dialogue. Everything here feels a bit too first draft or first take when the characters aren’t fighting off growling zombies.“



I suggest main street meats (2017) for MCMC. Ali found it on Tubi US.


103 votes for a 1h50 horror flick… it better be good! ;)


Lol. Too much pressure then. Take it off the list!!!!


I admit it. I love (pop)corn!

Pyewacket 7/10
Leprechaun 3 7/10
M3gan 8/10
Witchboard 7/10

I watched:

Night Editor 1946 8/10 Good performances by William Gargan and Janis Carter in this nifty and entertaining film noir.

No Way Out 1950 9/10 This powerful, well written drama features a great cast including Sidney Poitier, Richard Widmark, Linda Darnell, and Stephen McNally. Performances are excellent, especially Poitier and Widmark. This is an intelligent, compelling film that packs a punch and still feels relevant today.

The Santa Summit 2023 7/10 I enjoyed this. It was different from the usual Hallmark Christmas movies and it was festive fun.

The Asphalt Jungle 1950 7/10 Performances are good, but I didn't find the story very interesting. It felt longer than it was and I didn't find it as engaging as I would have expected. Some effective moments though.

The Bigamist 1953 8/10 I enjoyed this. Ida Lupino does a good job directing the film and also starring in it alongside Edmond O'Brien, Joan Fontaine, and Edmund Gwenn. I was invested in the story and the characters. An entertaining, well written film.

Hot Cars 1956 7/10 A nifty little noir that does a lot in a short time. Solid performances and an interesting story. Worth watching for the roller coaster fight.

The Dark Mirror 1946 8/10 Olivia de Havilland is fantastic in a dual role as twin sisters,one of whom may be a murderer. The film was entertaining and kept me interested.

The File on Thelma Jordon 1949 7/10 Barbara Stanwyck is very good in this interesting film noir.

Appointment with a Shadow 1957 7/10 George Nader is very good as an alcoholic reporter who gets the chance at a comeback story of the arrest of a well known criminal, only to discover there is more to the story than meets the eye and he finds himself in a dangerous position. An interesting, fast paced film noir gem.



Nightfall 1956 5/10 Performances are fine, but the story didn't really work for me. I didn't find the film interesting and it felt longer than it was.

Killers of the Flower Moon 2023 8/10 Excellent performances from Leonardo DiCaprio, Lily Gladstone, and Robert De Niro. I don't think the film needed to be 3 hours and 26 minutes though. It felt too long. Although this isn't top tier Scorsese, it is still a very good film.

I Want to Live! 1958 7/10 Susan Hayward is excellent in an Oscar winning role in this crime drama/film noir, directed by Robert Wise.

The Desperate Hours 1955 7/10 Humphrey Bogart does a good job in this effective film noir.

Brute Force 1947 7/10 Good performances in this well made prison film.

The Set-Up 1949 6/10 I thought this was just okay.

Summer Vacation 2023 7/10 I enjoyed this. It was cute and funny.

Merry Mystery Christmas 2023 6/10 This was alright. The mystery wasn't that good, but the actors were fine.

Death of a Cyclist 1955 7/10 Good performances in this well written film. I really liked the cinematography too.

Sudden Fear 1952 8/10 Joan Crawford is excellent in this entertaining and suspenseful film noir.

Thieves’ Highway 1949 6/10 This was just okay.

Mr. Arkadin 1955 6/10 Some good elements, but overall I didn't find this very interesting.

The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry 1945 7/10 I was enjoying the film up until that awful ending (groan). I thought the performances were good and I was entertained. Just try to overlook the final few minutes.

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane 2023 7/10 This was a nice, charming little mystery, although the plot was pretty thin. I liked the actors.

The Killer 2023 9/10 Michael Fassbender is excellent in this intelligent, well written character driven crime drama.

Angel Face 1953 7/10 Good performances in this film noir.

The Face Behind the Mask 1941 6/10 I liked Peter Lorre's performance, but overall found the film to be just alright.



The Leopard Man 1943 6/10 An interesting idea, but I don't think the film does enough with it.

Everything Christmas 2023 7/10 This was charming and delightful in a fun and magical way.

Secret Beyond the Door… 1947 6/10 Decent performances, but not that interesting.

Pushover 1954 7/10 An entertaining noir with good performances.

Whirlpool 1950 7/10 I thought this was entertaining and with an interesting story.

Christmas Island 2023 7/10 I liked Andrew Walker's performance and there were some nice, sweet moments.


What a week bro!! Haven’t seen any but some on my list plus No way out looks interesting. ✌️


Popcorn FTW!

Out of yours:

Leprechaun 3 (1995) – I watched this in high school and barely remember it, but I recall enjoying it in a 'so bad it’s good' way. A rating of 6/10 sounds about right.

M3GAN (2022) – I totally love this movie. I had no expectations that this movie would be as good as it was, but it was better than it had any right to be. Great social commentary about technology, raising kids, “screen-time,” use of A.I…it was all so good. Allison Williams, as well as the rest of the cast, delivered excellent performances. 8/10 (I’m really looking forward to the sequel)
Witchboard (Friday night special): Entertaining enough movie with a good story brought down by wooden acting from some of the male leads. The female lead, played by 80's legend Tawney Kitaen, was really good, as was Kathleen Wilhoite playing a Cyndi Lauper-esque medium. Other than that the film is mostly forgettable. My rating: 6/10

Victor Crowley (Friday late night special):
This is my least favorite of the Hatchet films, but it's still a solid entry in the series. There was too much time spent trapped in the airplane, and Crowley makes a late appearance and isn't in the film enough. Regardless, Hatchet 4 is a good enough time and gets a 6/10.

Side-Note: I'm convinced that Adam Green was influenced by "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island" (1998) when he was creating the Hatchet films. In my own personal headcanon, the Hatchet films are all sequels. It's all there - the New Orleans Bayou, the filming of a show, and the eccentric characters. Hatchet 1 (2006) even had a guy that looked like Shaggy, and this one has a guy dressed just like Fred from Zombie Island, complete with an ascot tied around his neck.
Green is either trolling us, or he’s simply taken inspiration from Scooby and the gang. That isn’t a knock-on Green or the films either; it actually makes the films more enjoyable.

Chained (Saturday night special): Violence for the sake of violence with a nonsensical ending that managed to make the movie worse than it already was. I would rate it a ZERO were it not for Vince D'Onofrio's ability to rise above this depraved lunacy and give a good performance. My rating: 2/10

Ice Cream Man (Saturday late night special): Fairly entertaining 90's b-movie fun held together by an always reliable Clint Howard. Would make a great double-feature paired with Auntie Lee's Meat pies (1992). My rating: 6.5/10
I went on a Psycho binge last week:

Psycho II (1983) – Hitchcock’s protégé Richard Franklin, along with John Carpenter’s usual D.P. Dean Cundey, do a phenomenal job in crafting a sequel that arguably doesn’t need to exist. Anthony Perkins and Meg Tilly deliver incredible performances in this highly-engaging story full of twists and turns. I actually like this more than Hitch’s original. Yeah, I said it. 9/10

Psycho III (1986) – As a first time director, Perkins does a commendable job, especially considering he’s starring in the film as well. Unfortunately, the story falls short and undoes one of the major twists from the previous entry. 6/10

Psycho IV: The Beginning (1991) Oh boy, this is where it all went sideways. Mick Garris takes over as director in this made-for-TV film that ignores the previous two sequels and acts as a direct continuation of Hitchcock’s original 1960 masterpiece. That was their first mistake; "Psycho II" had already done the impossible by being a finely crafted film that fleshed out Norman Bates's character, and I don’t know why they thought rebooting it with this made-for-tv snooze-fest was a good idea. Anthony Perkins quite literally phones in his performance, spending most of the movie on a call with a radio show DJ. Olivia Hussey’s layered performance as Norman Bates’s mom is the only bright spot of this otherwise misguided and forgettable film. 5.5/10


**Just want to note: My dislike of Chained has nothing to do with MCMC, and just like sslssg said, I'm glad it was picked as I would have never finished watching it on my own, and it's good to watch things I wouldn't normally watch to get some perspective.

As the saying goes:
"If every day is a sunny day, well, then, what's a sunny day?" - Who knows what movie that's from?!


Vampire in Brooklyn?


Yes that's it lol. I guess that wasn't as obscure as I thought it was.


It's more the "Eeeevil is necessary" part I remember from that, but I have seen that movie many, many times.


I don’t remember seeing any of the Psycho sequels. Not a big fan of the first one either.


Firefly - A quick binge watch; very good. Basically, a Western in space - 7.5/10

Cocaine Bear - Should have been hilarious, but was merely ok - 5.5/10


I own Firefly S1 and the movie but yet to watch either.

I loved Cocaine bear! I thought it was funny and wild. 8/10


I thought Cocaine Bear could have been funnier.


No Firefly and no Serenity?

Ya'll better get on that!


So I’ve heard!





I guess that means add it to the list.

I saw it last summer and although I enjoyed it I’m not that eager to rewatch it. We’ll see…




Season One of Mannix!


No wonder I had never heard of it, it’s super old!! 😝


Deranged (2012) - a korean epidemic movie. the first part was good. the ending was too feel good and felt like a tv episode. 6/10

A Haunting in Venice (2023) - the best of the three. they finally got the atmosphere right and branagh was much better. 6.5/10

Bloody Birthday (1981) - one of those movies where kids have extraordinary strength but no supernatural ability. what was the point of the title. the birthday wasn't a big deal. not sure what jose ferrer and susan strasberg was doing in this. 5/10

The Cable Guy (1996) - neve saw this before. not sure they would make a comedy today about a stalker. funny moments and a good look at the cable tech period. 6.5/10

Oppenheimer (2023) - almost like two moves. the first part up to the explosion was real good. the second part about was a but dry but a decent look at the paranoia around the red scare. murphy will get best actor oscar. 8/10



The cable guy: 7.5/10



None of yours this week, but I did eat plenty of corn.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)

Renaissance man Buckaroo Banzai has to stop the Earth from destroying itself by helping the good aliens in their fight with the bad aliens, aided by his jovial posse of crime-fighters and the long lost twin sister of his dead wife. Are the adventures across the 8th Dimension? Of course they’re not. Is this film filled with literal non-sense? Of course it is. Funny, fun and fueled by the power of imagination. The cast is great; John Lithgow steals the show imo. He made a choice, and it was the right choice, and he was absolutely bonkers. It must have been fun to make the props for this, very inventive. The end credits are awesome. I’ve read not all people enjoy it, but it’s right up my alley.

The Eternal Daughter (2022)

Tilda Swinton talks to herself in various rooms, goes chasing after a dog, a lot, and walks up and down corridors. It might shock you, but I missed the very beginning of this film, which means I didn’t really know it was supposed to be a ghost story. Which, it kinda was, and kinda wasn’t. Fairly repetitive, by design is my guess. I don’t need to say that Tilda Swinton gives a great performances here. I liked the music and the cinematography. There is a reveal at a point in the film, which I think literally made me go “What the fuck?!”, and I liked it lol. It was done very well too. An interesting examination of a mother/daughter relationship and grief is my take on it, in an atmospheric setting, with some creaky floors. Honestly, I don’t think I fully understood this film, so I will be looking out for it when it inevitably comes on repeat on HBO or Cinemax, or wherever I saw it.

The End!


I see The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension is on Tubi. If you ever sign up for a viewing session with us on a weekend I could pick that one. Looks perfectly fine film for the MCMC.


It's a perfectly fine film for any occasion! haha Though I suppose, it's very much "you either get it, or you don't" type of thing, from my understanding.
