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What do you think should happen to the person who invented this style of speedbump?

At times when navigating these things I muse on the concept of the product, prior to installation, being used as a blunt instrument to remind that person not to create anything like this again.


Speed bumps are a necessary annoyance due to the number of idiots that race past schools, hospitals and city parks.

If they prevent some little kid or a family from getting plowed into I say we should just accept them where needed.


I have no problem with speedbumps as a thing, but these suspension wreckers are a scourge.


If you drive slowly over speedbumps there won't be any damage. My apartment manager installed speedbumps similar to the one in your photo. It works well to discourage speeders in the parking lot.


There are better options than these angular running gear killers. I know they discourage speeders, because even driving over these things at a mile an hour is bad for your car. Curved bumps also curb speed while not causing unnecessary fatigue to your suspension.


City driving in general will wreak havoc on your suspension.
Where I work the city installed the 'hump style' speed bumps and except for the dummies that installed 'floor kits' in their shitty 1990's era ghetto hoopties everyone else can still race over them Dukes Of Hazzard style.

I do get your frustration, city driving is a beating on your auto AND your patience but some lunatics need to be slowed down somehow.


Speed bumps are unnecessary. That's why I support a speed catapult. If your car exceeds the speed limit when crossing the speed catapult, your car gets launched in the air. Sure a nearby car could be crushed upon the landing, but at least they'll get a good air show.


I think they're a great idea.


That ain't no speed bump. You can launch in the air with that ramp.

Signed, million man.


They placed those speedbumps near my home when I was a kid and I had a lot of fun riding over them on my bike.
