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Any Input About The Respiratory Syncytial Virus?

I rcvd an alert today from my pharmacy.


Generally harmless to healthy adults, except for typical "cold" symptoms. Usually it's only the old and frail, the very young, or the immunocompromised who get really sick from it.

However, if you're an asymptomatic healthy adult, you might possibly transmit it to someone who is young, old, or compromised enough to get very ill from it. So if you're around any such people, hand hygiene is your friend, and theirs,


Thanks for the info. I’ve noticed masks being worn again. The name of the virus is cause enough to RUN! I had Covid at the end of January. Ran 104-105 temp for 4 days. Paramedics had to be called & I ended up in the ER with kidney failure. I was transported to the hospital & released after 2 days. I’m, cough, cough 🙇🏼‍♀️, 80 years old & the only residual affect is Covid Brain Fog which lasts about a year. OK, I’m ready for the snide replies.🤭


Yeah, COVID is having an upswing, but so far at least there are very few serious cases. Most ICU cases, in my area at least, are in people who have an underlying health condition that makes them extremely vulnerable, such as cancer or immunosuppressant therapy for something else.

Still, I'm taking precautions against COVID, mainly because there are still some nasty cases of "Long COVID", and I know someone who's been through that misery during the last few months. Avoiding that is worth a few basic precautions, such as hand hygiene, always clean your hands before you touch your food, your mouth, your nose, etc. Or anything that might go in your mouth, such as food.


”.. such as hand hygiene, always clean your hands before you touch your food, your mouth, your nose, etc. Or anything that might go in your mouth, such as food.”

That’s a given! I can’t begin to tell you how many times a day I wash my hands. I have a little Yorkie who is strictly an inside fur-baby using potty pads. I clean her with baby wipes after she potties. Of course my hands are washed twice.

If I do go out I spray my hands, door handles steering wheel, etc. I keep cleaning wipes which kills Covid on the toilet tank. When visiting a friend I use them to wipe everything I’ve touched including the light switch. I use my elbow or a paper towel when exiting a public restroom. I once read a report about where feces was located in a restroom. Of course the toilet, but also every place humans would touch! My deceased husband washed his hands before & after when using the men’s room.


I'm still washing stuff after I buy it, or spraying it with disinfectant, as appropriate.

When I'm old they'll probably think it's crazy, but the fact is I got overconfident in spring, and stopped all precautions, and got cold after flu after cold and a mild case of COVID! It's going to be very hard to let go of these habits.


“the only residual affect is Covid Brain Fog”

How could you tell?

Ta-Daa! Love you Kissy 😘


😅😂🤣I knew it! I knew it! Those of you who know me would zing me! 😉 Back at ya…love wise. 😘


got the covid booster, RSV, pneumonia & flu vaccines today.

i'm a ticking time bomb


To your dismay I did not and will not take the vaccines. I’m allergic to so many drugs. I live daily with a nasal staph. My husband took the flu vaccine when he was living due to his auto-immune system being in the tank.


That's your business (depending upon your circumstances and reasons), and anyone you may, as a result, infect.

I'm not a doc, so have no idea of the soundness of your decisions to refuse immunization. Definitely contra-indicated for some.


Everyone I know in my immediate family & extended family who didn’t take the vaccines, got Covid are OK. Others I know who are fully vaxxed continue to get Covid 2 or 3 times. My grandson is a teacher so he was mandated to take the vaccine. He & wife are ill frequently since the jab.


And all those hundreds of millions of people who died gasping for air before the vax was made available might have a bone to pick w/ you, if they hadn't, youknow, strangled to death. Your dataset of 5-20 notwithstanding.

You started this thread. Its now clear you have an anti-vax axe to grind. I have no patience for these sorts of discussions. Have a nice day.


You are wrong! I did not have “an anti-vax axe to grind.” I didn’t post the OP to debate vaccines. I was alerted by my pharmacy about this virus so I wanted input from any or all of you. You opened the door to the vaccines. (akin to a court of law) I didn’t, but I replied to your posts about the vaccines. You are the one who deviated from my OP. All I wanted to know is how serious this virus is; not what to do about it.

You could have posted symptoms. Is it a mutation of Covid? Do you know anyone who has been infected by it and how they are doing? The name is scary. Instead I rcvd a snarky reply from you.


BTW, what do you mean by ”i'm a ticking time bomb”


555 is the ticking time bomb because he/she just took a triple dose of the death-shot.


Exzachary. I'm gluching my poils ovah heah.

This is my fourth covid vaccine - I'm barely alive. FWIW, never got sick, but who cares about that. Their aunt Agnes took the jab, didn't escape the disease (though she didn't otoh die) - but that's small potatoes.

I'm one of those fools who thinks that vaccines are effective, that the gov ernment isn't tryin' t' kill me. A sheep, I am. Baaaaaaaaahhhhhh !!!!!


So you almost died from covid, yet are scared of a vaccine? The decision is yours, but I hope you're not basing it on the divisive political climate in our country.


I never said I almost died. I just told the facts of what occurred. I’m not “scared of a vaccine”. There’s just no need for me to take it. And no, I’m not “basing it on the divisive political climate in our country.” There’s this thing which sits on my shoulders. Inside this thing is gray matter which thank the Good Lord permits me to read and do research.

Granted at my age I’m on a few meds. I have severe IBS. When I pick up my few meds I shake my head when I see all those little white bags lined up and filled with chemicals. People ingest those chemicals and they don’t get any better. Then there’s another med to countermand what the 1st one is doing. A person needs a diuretic to rid the body of fluids, but then the very same person is given a med to stop the bladder from working so frequently. 🙄

I question every med prescribed for me. I’m not a fuzzy white sheep just going along with the rest of the flock. I once had a heart angiogram. Before discharge the nurses read the orders. I was prescribed a vasodilator. What is it for I inquired? It’s to enlarge your blood vessels. My next query was “Is the doc not aware I take Sumatriptan for migraines? It’s in my chart.” They looked puzzled so I informed them “Sumatriptan narrows the blood vessels and he’s prescribing a med to dilate the blood vessels.” One of the nurses replied “Well, one is for the heart and the other is for the head.” My response with a shocked look was “Please give me my clothes so I can get the hell out of here!”

This little pill is supposed to go where? It’s to go to the vessel which leads to the heart. What if it misses it’s turn & goes to the head? Oh well. Vessels are vessels…


"Ran 104-105 temp for 4 days. Paramedics had to be called & I ended up in the ER with kidney failure."

Yeah, you almost died, especially with those symptoms at an older age. Consider yourself lucky.


But, I didn’t die. It was my fault for letting it progress by living off nothing but Coca-Cola during that time. No water, just Coca-Cola. I recall one of the paramedics took it out of my hand while telling me it was the worst thing to do.


i know, just get the vaccine and have a sore arm for a few days.


There's no reasoning with some people. We literally have a person here referring to a simple vaccine as a bioweapon.


I'm sorry for you.. Perhaps drinking more Vitamin C and exercising along with eating right and simply relying on Natural Immunity in favor of all those vaccines would've been a better alternative??


Best and safest alternatives to all their bioweapon clot shots:

1.) Natural Immunity
2.) Sunlight
3.) 72-hour-minimum Autophagy Fasting (may require more than once)
4.) Hydroxychloroquine
5.) Ivermectin


and bleach


Sunlight is especially good for you.. Good Vitamin D


how are you feeling? my doctor has recommended i get the rsv this fall


Totally fine. Not even any swelling, or temp.


vaccines make me sleepy.


I've heard all kinds of anecdotal reports, but vaxes never seem to bother me.

The pharmacist was so good, I hardly even felt the needles.

I truly wonder how much basic knowledge there is about the nuts & bolts of the immune system, how vaccines work, what happens to them in the body (they're completely digested within about 10 days) there is among the general population.

So much ignorance & fear mongering about. Its sad and frustrating. This RNA technology is such a breakthrough - a safe effective vaccine was engineered, tested, and scaled up into production from scratch in less than a year. That's a staggering accomplishment. We should be happy & grateful, but a large part of our population is now mired in disinformation - there are not a few folks with evil intentions afoot in the land, leading our citizenry astray.

If anyone among our community think I'm all wet about this, that's on you. I know what I'm talking about.




i have never had four at the same time.


”I've heard all kinds of anecdotal reports, but vaxes never seem to bother me.”

But, they do bother others. The CDC recommends people getting this vax, but when it posts who should NOT get this vax it gives a link to more info. But, guess what? The CDC backs away from the constraints printed on the manufacturer’s insert. This is the drop down when clicking on the link:

”The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website.

Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website.
You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link.
CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website.”

Say what? The CDC is covering its ass! One very nasty reaction is the Guillain-Barré syndrome. (GBS) is an autoimmune disorder of the peripheral nervous system, meaning that the body’s own immune system attacks the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. My daughter has the Guillain-Barré syndrome.

The trouble is you believe all the good reports, but you dismiss the bad ones. I have news for you. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Even the CDC has come around to agree with many of our “evil intentions” to tell the truth.

I repeat: my OP was not about vaccines, but you took it there. Finally, those of us who don’t have underlying conditions will survive without taking the vaccine. As I wrote I’m 80 and haven’t had a cold in over 30 years. I believe I was one of the first cases to get Covid back in May of 2020. That’s when you had to have at least 3 symptoms even though I ran 105 temp for 3 days. That’s not a norm for adults. The 4 th day it dropped to 101. IT RAN ITS COURSE…because by the 5th day no temp with a little weakness. I wasn’t pumped with an unknown jab.


'unknown', you say...

The CDC just sprang this on the entire US population. You seem to want to be considered reasonable, but the nutty conspiratorial is leaking out.

YOU survived covid (a 105 temp, by the way, is no joke), but neglect to mention the MILLIONS that died under horrible circumstances, which largely vanished as an expectation/reality for the vast majority of vaccinated persons.

My slightly ironic comment was enough to set you off. Well, so be it. Just own your convictions straightforwardly. You think the gummint is tryin' t' kill ya.

It is, indeed, a fact that a statistically tiny number of folks have adverse reactions to various vaccines. For every one of those there are scores to hundreds of thousands saved from serious/debilitating/mortal disease.

If you want to be safe from the tiny risk and instead run the major risk, have at it - but no one with sense will approve your judgement.

It makes no sense to rely exclusively upon one's immediate experience while ignoring/denying aggregate information - there is not much more I can say about all this.


”Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now?”

”… if 100% of people in the U.S. were vaccinated, vaccinated people would represent 100% of COVID-19 deaths. ”

So, why take the vaccine? Why risk a serious side effect? Please just an honest reply; not a snarky one.

”For the first time, the majority of people dying from COVID-19 in America have been vaccinated.”

They attribute this to the fact more people are vaccinated.


Global deaths from Covid in TOTAL —-6,957,203

Global deaths from CVDs in ONE YEAR in 2021—20.5 MILLION

Cardiovascular Diseases are the world’s #1 killer!

I am far more concerned about dying from a CVD than Covid which appears I’ve had twice and still breathing. Why aren’t you shouting from the roof tops how many people have died from CVDs?

”CVD claim more lives each year in the UnitedStates than all forms of cancer and Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (CLRD) combined.


I should amend that. My right shoulder joint became sensitive & sore for a few days, then subsided. I don't know if this is a direct side-effect, but it could have been. I'm fine now.


Never even heard of it until now.


Neither had I. I gather the immune system is quite capable of multi-tasking. When I went to the Walgreen website to register, this was all presented to me. Four is, btw, the limit.


Suddenly last night there was an ad on TV about the vaccine.


The updated Covid Booster just became available this past Monday. At least at Walgreens. It is supposed to protect against all the current variants. Immunity against serious infection is expected to last for a year - covid vaccines are now expected to become an annual shot, like the flu shots.
